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February 20-24, 2012. Walk-IN: Learning Objective: Agenda: 1. Socratic Seminar #4 Homework: Due Today:

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Presentation on theme: "February 20-24, 2012. Walk-IN: Learning Objective: Agenda: 1. Socratic Seminar #4 Homework: Due Today:"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 20-24, 2012

2 Walk-IN: Learning Objective: Agenda: 1. Socratic Seminar #4 Homework: Due Today:

3 Walk-IN: Sit in your Book Club, take out Alice, and you list of vocabulary words. Learning Objective:  Students will practice using context clues to identify the meaning of unknown words. Agenda:  Vocabulary Practice Due Today: Pages 68-102 Homework: Read pages 103 to 118 in Alice. Identify interesting, confusing, or important passages. Bring Book Club Book to Class on Blockday Progress Report Signed

4  Identify 5-7 unfamiliar words, important words/terms, and text-specific language. Write down page numbers for where each word appears, definition. Leave room on the page after each word for discussion notes. Vocab. Word 1: _________________  Page number and sentence in novel where the word appears:______________________________________________________________________  Dictionary definition: _______________________________________________________________________ Responses  Name:Guess:

5 Vocab Word 1: Word in Context: (sentence it appears in): Dictionary Definition: Visual Representation:Name: Response:

6  Read Chapters 11-12 (pages 103-118) in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.  Continue to track passages that you feel are important

7 Walk-IN: Take out Alice and sit in your Book Club group. Learning Objective:  Students will understand that the quality of group discussions is proportional to the individual preparation as well as the collaborative efforts of each participant.  Students will analyze and evaluate a specific passage to determine importance, individual meaning, and overall meaning to a text. Agenda:  Passage Job  Set up Book Club Calendar  Assign Book Club Jobs Homework: Make a list of examples from Alice that connect to our three class questions. Read and prepare for Book Club # 1. Due Today:

8  Passages Job  Divide the book up into sections equal to the number of people in your group. Each person does a passages prep for 2 passages in their section.  Preparation: Select at least 2 important passages from the assigned text. A passage can be as short as a paragraph, or as long as a page. Choose each passage because it is key to understanding that section of the novel or the book as a whole, and/or because it is funny, confusing, or simply because you like it.  For each passage: identify its location in the text, write a one sentence summary, AND write a paragraph that explains, in detail, why you chose it. You do not need to copy down the passage. Leave room for discussion notes.

9  Passage # 1: Pg #, Paragraph # “Beginning of passage..”  1 Sentence Summarizing the part of the book the passage comes from___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________  Paragraph explaining why you chose it_____________________ _______________________________________________________

10  Perform Passage Job: Direct your group to that passage in the book, and have them read along with you as you read the passage out loud. Allow everyone in your group to comment on your passage before you say anything about it, and take notes on who said what during discussion. After everyone in the group has participated, share your written explanation with the group.  Students take turns performing the passages job chronologically through the book.  Emphasize the importance of discussion—this is not a one-and-done thing.

11 Walk-IN: Sit in your Book Club Group, take out Alice, and your notes on the connections to our class questions. Learning Objective:  Students will understand that endless combinations of information exist for synthesis; the only limitation is a person’s imagination and creativity. Agenda:  Synthesis Job  Review Book Club Jobs for Monday Homework: Read and Prepare for Book Club #1 Due Today:

12 What does it mean to be Human? What is Reality?What do we Fear? In-Class Connections Out-of-class connections Emerging Message Summarized Examples from Book Club Book Other Examples it Reminds Me of… (Synthesis) Conclusion based on examples

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