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Name Hir 50 Points Earns: Retake Opportunity on Summative 50 Points Earns: Retake Opportunity on Summative Complete and Beat Game and you earn a money.

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Presentation on theme: "Name Hir 50 Points Earns: Retake Opportunity on Summative 50 Points Earns: Retake Opportunity on Summative Complete and Beat Game and you earn a money."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name Hir 50 Points Earns: Retake Opportunity on Summative 50 Points Earns: Retake Opportunity on Summative Complete and Beat Game and you earn a money pull!

2 Plate Tectonics Investigation Click me for the animation Situation 1: Left Side: Continent Right Side: Continent Convergent Boundary 1. Hit play in the animation and observe: (2 pts) Write down two observations 1. 2. 1. Hit play in the animation and observe: (2 pts) Write down two observations 1. 2. Screenshot a picture of the situation label these parts: Mountains 5 pts 1. Use the ruler to measure out the mountains when they are as thick as possible. Km

3 Plate Tectonics Investigation Click me for the animation Situation 1: Left Side: Continent Right Side: Ocean Convergent Boundary 1. Hit play in the animation and observe: (2 pts) Write down two observations as it applies to trench, volcanoes, subduction a. b. 1. Hit play in the animation and observe: (2 pts) Write down two observations as it applies to trench, volcanoes, subduction a. b. 3.. Play this game: Screenshot when done…homies.Play this game: Screenshot when done…homies 3.. Play this game: Screenshot when done…homies.Play this game: Screenshot when done…homies Screenshot Quia Game Here (9 pts) Screenshot Quia Game Here (9 pts) Screenshot a picture of the animation here: label these parts: 6 pts 2. Use the density tool at the bottom to find the density of the magma and the mantle around it (3 pts) Screenshot tool here (MAGMA) Screenshot tool here (Mantle) Type hir… Is the magma more or less dense? Will it rise or sink Deep-ocean trench Oceanic Crust Subduction zone Continental Volcanic Arc Continental Crust Rising Magma 20 pts

4 Plate Tectonics Investigation Click me for the animation Situation 1: Left Side: Ocean Right Side: Ocean Convergent Boundary 1. Hit play in the animation and observe: (2 pts) Write down two observations as it applies to trench, islands, subduction, volcanoes a. b. 1. Hit play in the animation and observe: (2 pts) Write down two observations as it applies to trench, islands, subduction, volcanoes a. b. 3.. Play this game: Screenshot when done…homies.Play this game: Screenshot when done…homies 3.. Play this game: Screenshot when done…homies.Play this game: Screenshot when done…homies Screenshot Quia Game Here (4 pts) Screenshot Quia Game Here (4 pts) Screenshot a picture of the animation here: label these parts: 6 pts 2. Use the density tool at the bottom to find the density of the old and the new ocean(3 pts) Screenshot tool here (old) Screenshot tool here (young) Type hir… Explain why the old subducts Deep-ocean trench Old Oceanic Crust Subduction zone Volcanic Island Arc Rising Magma 15 pts Young Oceanic Crust

5 Plate Tectonics Investigation Click me for the animation Situation 1: Left Side: Continent Right Side: Continent Transform Boundary 1. Hit play in the animation and observe: (2 pts) Write down two observations: describe the movement 1. 2. 1. Hit play in the animation and observe: (2 pts) Write down two observations: describe the movement 1. 2. Screenshot a picture of the situation label these parts: Fault 3 pts Km

6 Screenshot from the movie: Convection currents carrying magma to the surface and label Sea-Floor Spreading at a mid-ocean ridge Subduction as a heavier plate sinks below a lighter plate Formation of a Continental Volcanic Arc Describe what is happening Click on this link for the movielink Hey, Watch the movie all the way through first then start working

7  Plate Tectonics Review  Plate Tectonics Review REGULAR GEO

8  Apple-shift-4 when you beat the game…. Ask for money when completely finished 10 bonus pts Use map on game

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