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1. Motor systems hierarchy

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Presentation on theme: "1. Motor systems hierarchy"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Motor systems hierarchy

2 2. Synapses in gray matter of the cord

3 3. Spindle organ innervation

4 4. Intrafusal fibers & sensory field of spindle

5 5. Golgi tendon organ

6 6. Simple stretch reflex

7 7. Reflexes with reciprocal innervation

8 8. Cerebral cortex – sensory & motor areas

9 9. Motor cortex homunculus

10 10. Primary motor cortex, premotor & supplemental areas

11 11. Corticospinal tracts

12 12. Red nucleus & rubrospinal tract

13 13. Lateral & medial motor systems

14 14. Pontine & medullary nuclei

15 15. Motor pathways for postural muscles

16 16. Equilibrium apparatus

17 17. Static equilibrium receptor

18 18. Crista ampullaris

19 19. Cerebellum – sagittal view

20 20. Cerebellum – posterior view

21 21. Cerebellum - homunculi

22 22. Neuron pool of cerebellum

23 23. Afferent pathways to cerebellum

24 24. Efferent pathways from cerebellum

25 25. Cerebellar interaction with other CNS areas

26 26. Basal ganglia

27 27. Basal ganglia

28 28. Putamen circuit

29 29. Caudate circuit

30 30. Summary of peripheral nervous system

31 31. Sympathetic nervous system

32 32. Sympathetic ganglia & rami communicantes

33 33. Parasympathetic nervous system

34 34. ANS neurotransmitters

35 35. Cholinergic receptors

36 36. Autonomic control centers in the brain

37 37. Summary of autonomic functions

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