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Louisiana Learning Standards WHAT DO YOU THINK? In the area of science, what should your students... know? be able to do? be like?

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2 Louisiana Learning Standards WHAT DO YOU THINK? In the area of science, what should your students... know? be able to do? be like?

3 Louisiana Learning Standards SCIENCE

4 Louisiana Learning Standards Where did the LLS come from? Teachers Administrators Parents Employers Community Leaders Higher Education Based on National Standards

5 Louisiana Learning Standards “Students must become competent and independent users of information to be productive citizen of the 21 st century.” (LLS, 1997)

6 Louisiana Learning Standards “Learning Standards serve as a bridge between classroom practices and the national standards established by the science education community…” (LLS, 1997)

7 Louisiana Learning Standards “Each school must align the learning opportunities (e.g., curriculum, teacher knowledge and skills) with the new Standards.”

8 Louisiana Learning Standards The Case for Standards…. A changing world Scarce resources Sharing what works Clear expectations for learning Standards for all Measuring progress Being accountable Improving education

9 Louisiana Learning Standards NAVIGATING THE STANDARDS Science as Inquiry Physical Science Life Science Earth and Space Science Science and the Environment Louisiana Science Framework Strands

10 Louisiana Learning Standards APPLICATIONS FOR LEARNING … they apply across all disciplines! Solving Problems Communicating Using Technology Working on Teams Making Connections

11 Louisiana Learning Standards GOALS: broad statements of knowledge or skills LEARNING STANDARDS: specific statements of knowledge or skills LEARNING BENCHMARKS: progress indicators for gauging achievement NAVIGATING THE STANDARDS

12 Louisiana Learning Standards LLS - Science 5 Goals 5 Standards Numerous Benchmarks by grade level

13 Louisiana Learning Standards THE SCIENCE GOALS State Goal of Inquiry: The student will do science by engaging in partial and full inquiries that are within their developmental capabilities State Goal of Physical Science: Students will develop an understanding of the characteristics and inter-relationships of matter and energy in the physical world State Goal of Life Science: The students will become aware of the characteristics and life cycles of organisms and understand their relationships to each other and to their environment.

14 Louisiana Learning Standards THE SCIENCE GOALS State Goal of Earth and Space Science: The student will develop an understanding of the properties of earth materials, the structure of the earth system, the earth’s history, and the earth’s place in the universe.

15 Louisiana Learning Standards Technology Science helps drive technology, as it provides knowledge for better understanding, instruments, and techniques… the emphasis of technology in the classroom should be on knowledge construction to solve problems.

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