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Energy from Chemical Fuels for 6, 7 and 8 th grade By Eddie Nelson, Joni Skelton, Ruth Mobley, Ann Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy from Chemical Fuels for 6, 7 and 8 th grade By Eddie Nelson, Joni Skelton, Ruth Mobley, Ann Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy from Chemical Fuels for 6, 7 and 8 th grade By Eddie Nelson, Joni Skelton, Ruth Mobley, Ann Johnson

2 The Activity The purpose of this activity is to measure the energy transferred by burning a chemical fuel such as paraffin (in a candle) or diethylene glycol (in Sterno). Students will additionally learn how to measure, graph data, make observations and communicate results to the class.

3 Materials Tea Candle Test Tube Ring stand/ test tube clamp Triple beam balance 1000 ml beaker Thermometer Graduated cylinder Timer Water matches Goggles

4 Purpose or Goal This is listed in our experiment that we re- wrote and is directly tied to the State Standards in both Arkansas and Oklahoma 6- 8 grades. This would be a great inquiry based lab and could be used as a pre- or post lab when introducing our subject, or to reinforce measuring, collecting data, graphing the data and communicating data.

5 Doing the Experiment

6 Standards/Frameworks AR State Standards: PS 7.7.1 identify natural sources used to supply energy PS 7.7.3 Conduct investigation to identify TYPES of potential and kinetic energy. ESS 8.7.6 Conduct investigations using measuring devises NS 1.7.1 interpret evidence based on observations NS 1.7.5 Communicate results and conclusions from scientific inquiry NS 1.7.6 Develop and implement strategies for accurate data collection PS 5.6.1 Identify common examples of chemical properties: ability to burn, ability to produce light, ability to react with other substances PS 5.6.7 Identify chara. of chemical changes: burning, production of a new substance, production of light, color change, endothermic and exothermic reactions, reactivity. PS 6.6.6 Compare and contrast weight and mass PS 7.6.1 Classify examples of energy forms: chemical, electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal, nuclear. PS 7.6.3 Conduct investigations demonstrating how energy can be converted from one form to another.

7 Standards/Frameworks Oklahoma Process Standard 1: Observe and Measure 1. Identify qualitative and/ or quantitative changes given conditions before and after and events. 2. Use appropriate tools to measure 3. Use appropriate Systems International Units Process Standard 2: Experiment 1. Ask questions about the world 2. Evaluate the design of an scientific investigation Process Standard 3: Interpret and Communicate 1. Report Data 2. Interpret Data Tables 3. Evaluate Data Process Standard 5: Inquiry 1. Skills necessary to carry out scientific process

8 Adaptations We rewrote the lab to include materials found in our classroom, simple procedures that students could follow. We added two data tables one for taking temperature reading and another data table for the mass of the candle. We changed the questions at the end of the lab to meet the needs of our students and standards. (See modified lab on Wiki)

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