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Modeling Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Lavaca Bay CE 394K – GIS in Water Resources Instructor  Dr. David Maidment Term Project by Jeffrey G. Baguley.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Lavaca Bay CE 394K – GIS in Water Resources Instructor  Dr. David Maidment Term Project by Jeffrey G. Baguley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Lavaca Bay CE 394K – GIS in Water Resources Instructor  Dr. David Maidment Term Project by Jeffrey G. Baguley Fall 2000

2 Overview Hypoxia and its Effects on Benthic Fauna Statistical Analysis  Expected Dissolved O 2 Levels Goals of Project ArcView Modeling Problems and Further Goals

3 Hypoxia Hypoxia  A condition in which oxygen is a limiting factor in the environment. In Texas Bays this has been defined as a dissolved oxygen concentration of 3 mg/L or less. Causes 1.Water column stratification (layers of differing densities) 2.Increased biological respiration 3.Decomposition of Organic Matter 4.Sulfide Conditions

4 Factors Facilitating Hypoxia in Texas Bays Summer Tidal Mixing Freshwater Inflow Salinity Water Column Stratification Isolated Bottom Water Hypoxia Water Temp. Gas Solubility Biological Respiration

5 Macroinfaunal Response to Hypoxia Ritter and Montagna (1999) Determined: Community: Diversity  reduced 500% Abundance  reduced 500% Biomass  reduced 1200% Polychaete (P. Annelida)

6 Expected Seasonal DO Values Multiple regression analysis  MS Excel Fourier Series is of the form: t = Julian days y = DO conc. a,b = coefficients from regression j = # of cycles within time period  = 2  /365

7 Goals 1.Model spatial variation  How dissolved O 2 changes from location to location. 2.Model temporal variation  Annual trends within Lavaca Bay.

8 Previous Spatial Modeling (Ritter and Montagna 1999)

9 The Study Area Shapefile of study area obtained from NHD Dataset HUC code 12100402

10 Creating Point Shapefile

11 Spatial Modeling ArcView Extension  Spatial Analyst Contour lines Grid TIN Interpolated from DO values for each station

12 Spatial Modeling Using Grids Average Spring Values Hypoxic Zone

13 Temporal Modeling  Creating an Animated GIF File –GIF Construction Set Professional TM Free Download

14 Problems and Future Work Inadequate data Focus on a smaller scale What can be done to prevent hypoxia?

15 Acknowledgements Dr. Paul Montagna (UTMSI) Data and Guidance Mike Veazey (TNRCC) Data Dr. Maidment (CRWR) Fourier Analysis

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