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Presentation on theme: "IN WHAT WAYS DO PRESERVICE TEACHERS UTILIZED AN WEB-BASED LEARNING SUPPORT SYSTEM? Fethi Ahmet Inan The University of Memphis Soner Yildirim."— Presentation transcript:

1 IN WHAT WAYS DO PRESERVICE TEACHERS UTILIZED AN WEB-BASED LEARNING SUPPORT SYSTEM? Fethi Ahmet Inan The University of Memphis Soner Yildirim Middle East Technical University Ercan Kiraz Middle East Technical University

2  Introduction  Literature Review  Research Method  Findings  Conclusion

3  Biggest obstacle to using technology in education is the lack of adequate teacher training  A computer literacy course became a required course for all preservice teachers in Turkey  One computer literacy course is not of a high value unless computers are integrated into the whole teacher education program

4  To describe preservice teachers’ computer competency and attitudes toward computers.  To examine changes in preservice teacher attitudes toward computers due to participation in a web-supported teacher credential course  To explore how preservice teachers perceived and utilized the Online Learning Support System

5  The first attempt on development and utilization of an online supplementary tool in preservice teacher education in Turkey.  The findings of this study will assist other researches and developers in their development and utilization of web based systems.

6  Integrate technology in to the entire teacher preparation curriculum  Introduce technology in context  Students should experience innovative technology-supported learning environments in their teacher education program. Principles of Preservice Teacher Education

7  What are the preservice teachers’ attitudes toward computers and computer competency levels before using the OLSS?  Is there a relationship between preservice teachers computer competency and their attitudes toward computers?  Is there a difference in attitudes of preservice teachers toward computers before and after completing the course?

8  What are the students’ perceptions on factors affecting the usage of the web site?  What are the students’ perceptions on usage of the utilities of the web site?  What are the students’ suggestions about the effective use of the utilities of the web site?

9 Description of Sample (N=40) VariablesN% Gender Male Female 7 33 17.5 82.5 Age 19 Years 20 Years 21 Years 7 23 10 17.5 57.5 25 Home Computer Yes No 8 32 20 80 # of Computer Courses 1 2 3 and more 3 36 1 7.5 90 2.5 Participants

10  Teachers Attitude Scale  Teachers Competency Scale  Interview guide  Website “Announcements,” “Assignments,” “Lecture notes,” “Grades,” “Uploads,” ”Syllabus,” “Forum,” “Password,” and “Help”




14 BeginningDuringEnd  TAC  CCS  Demographics  Utilize OLSS  Formative evaluation  TAC  CCS  Interview

15 Means and standard deviations for students’ computer competency(N=40) TechnologiesMSD Online Communication Tools Word processors Web Browsers Presentation programs Electronic spreadsheets Online Collaboration Tools Distance Learning Materials Audio & Video materials Web Editors Learning Management Systems CAI applications 4.6 4.0 3.6 3.5 2.9 2.4 2.2 1.6 1.5 0.71 1.36 0.99 1.03 1.36 1.05 1.43 0.84 0.79 * Ratings were made on a 5-point scale (1 = not competent, 5 = very competent)

16 Means and standard deviations for students’ pre and post attitudes subscales (N=35) PrePost Attitude ScaleMSDM Enthusiasm/Enjoyment Anxiety** Avoidance** Productivity (teacher) Negative Impact on Society** Productivity (student) Liking Email 4.02 3.50 4.16 3.12 4.08 3.28 4.14 3.54 3.94 4.11 2.99 4.18 3.33 * Ratings were made on a 5-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) ** High score represents a low level of perception on these items.

17 Web Site PartsF. Evaluation 1F. Evaluation 2 Usefulness M SD Usage rate M SD Usefulness M SD Usage rate M SD Announcements Assignments Lecture Notes Grades Forum 4.80 4.50 4.53 4.60 1.1 3.89 3.74 3.75 3.77 2.71 1.0.98 1.1 1.3 1.2 5.00 4.61 4.58 4.61 4.58 3.97 4.30 1.1.64 1.3

18 Findings  The relationship between students’ competency scores and attitudes score was found to be positive and statistically significant, r (38) =.55, p <.001  Difference in attitudes of students toward learning with computers before and after completing the course were not significant, F (1, 34) =.009, p =.92

19  Demonstration of the web site  Accessibility to computer  Reading from computer screen  Facilitation of the web site  Usability of the web site  Privacy of users Factors Affecting Web Site Usage

20  Announcement  Assignment  Forum  Lecture Notes  Grades Utilization of the Web Site

21  Colorized lecture notes  Types of lecture notes (ppt, summary etc.)  Additional web site addresses  Additional assessment tools  Immediate feedback  Privacy of communication  More facilitation by instructor  More social & entertaining environment Students’ Suggestions

22  Provide a wide range of pre and post- instructional activities & course materials  Provide efficient facilitation of the web site  Keep designing of the web site simple and consistent  Provide demonstration of the web site at the beginning of the semester  Provide privacy in terms of feedback, grading and communication Implication for Practice

23  Faculties of education should be provided with continuous support and aid  Faculties of teacher education programs should demonstrate their competency and willingness to use technology in their teaching.  Prospective students should be given an opportunity to practice what they have learned.  Prospective teachers should be provided with flexible computer laboratories  Technology should be infused to entire preservice teacher education program. Implication for Practice

24  Various teacher credential courses  Increased sample size  Students of various departments  Long-term study Implication for Research

25 Fethi Ahmet Inan The University of Memphis Soner Yildirim Middle East Technical University Ercan Kiraz Middle East Technical University IN WHAT WAYS DO PRESERVICE TEACHERS UTILIZED AN WEB-BASED LEARNING SUPPORT SYSTEM?

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