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Review of EIPA Resource Centre by PWC For Irish Presidency April 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of EIPA Resource Centre by PWC For Irish Presidency April 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of EIPA Resource Centre by PWC For Irish Presidency April 2004

2 Terms of Reference for Review MTP December 2003: –“Evaluate Operational Effectiveness of the CAF Resource Centre managed by EIPA” At February 2004 IPSG Meeting: –Agreed to seek views of wider audience through questionnaire approach –Expand ToR to look at possible future workload

3 Report Background to setting up CAF RC Evaluation of Services delivered Issues Recommendations Next Steps

4 Questionnaire Response – Satisfaction with Services The CAF Resource Centre’s: Satisfaction level e.g. 0 = no particular view 1= poor 2 = fair 3 = satisfactory 4 = very satisfactory Ability to deliver services 2 (13) Website activities (e.g. content, ease-of-use) 1.6 (16) EIPA Personnel working on CAF activities (e.g. experience levels) 2.9 (14) Technical support to member states/users of CAF 2.1 (6) CAF database services 2.4 (11) CAF Training activities 1.9 (11) Any Other activities? 2 (3)

5 Issues Funding Issues Lack of dedicated full-time resource for Resource Centre Lack of strategic focus in EIPA’s role resulting in A lack of overall direction Absence of a proactive approach in identifying & addressing needs of member states/candidate countries Low demand for services Insufficient coordination in overall approach to CAF activities between RC, IPSG and CAF Network Lack of clarity with overall management & responsibility between EIPA, the CAF correspondents Network & IPSG Low satisfaction level with CAF web site and databank outputs Inability at times to deliver “Just in Time” services

6 General Recommendations Assess funding options Allocate dedicated resource Adopt strategic approach Clarify overall management/ responsibilities between RC, IPSG & CAF Network Develop existing & new Services Improve systems and processes

7 Short-term Recommendations EIPA RC, IPSG & CAF Network to Develop Strategy and WP for RC in line with MTP/CAF Action Plan Clarity for overall management/ responsibilities between RC, IPSG & CAF Network Consider funding options in context of expanding RC’s remit in the future EIPA RC to Carry out website/databank improvements Improve existing services in response to feedback Attend all IPSG/CAF Network meetings Use Project management & performance management methods Develop new services in line with MTP, CAF Action Plan Assign a full-time dedicated resource Charge for services

8 Medium-term Recommendations EIPA RC to carry out Annual reviews of activities, costs and resourcing used, etc. to be presented to IPSG and the DGs by EIPA EIPA to ensure ongoing development of the RC processes and systems to ensure they support the achievement of RC goals

9 Long-term Recommendations EIPA RC to define a new strategy in 2007, in co-operation with IPSG and CAF Network, to take account of progress and achievement of goals, and define new goals, etc. in line with the latest DG resolutions/Work Programmes. (RC Strategy document should be updated/rewritten at least every 3 years). consider in close cooperation with IPSG whether to broaden EIPA RC’s perspective and become a European TQM centre for public sector working closely, for example, with EFQM and Speyer

10 Critical Success Factors Recognition of importance of CAF => continued need for RC Commitment from EIPA management to support & carry out RC’s expanding CAF role Commitment from DGs to support development of CAF RC as a “centre of excellence” & all that this involves Having necessary resources & staff with appropriate skills to carry out the work & run the RC Sufficient funding in place to cover the cost of delivering RC services Co-operation, input from, and demand for RC services & initiatives from member states/candidate countries Commitment from all relevant stakeholders ( e.g. RC, IPSG, CAF Network, users, ms, etc ) to keep RC systems & information up to date

11 Next Steps 1.EIPA RC in cooperation with CAF Network to develop set of proposals to respond to recommendations in this report, under direction of IPSG 2.The EIPA RC should immediately carry out improvements to website, databank, existing services 3.In future, EIPA should attend all IPSG & CAF Network meetings 4.The EIPA RC and representatives from CAF Network should commence work on drafting a strategy statement & WP for EIPA Resource Centre 5.EIPA RC to present strategy and WP to the IPSG for approval & subsequent submission to the DGs (possibly as part of the CAF Action Plan) during the Dutch Presidency in second half of 2004 6.Once approved, the EIPA RC should commence implementing agreed strategy & WP during Dutch or Luxembourg Presidencies, & report back to IPSG on a regular basis regarding progress.

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