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Energy. Objectives renewable nonrenewable 1.Students will be able to identify various ways which electrical energy is generated using renewable and nonrenewable.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy. Objectives renewable nonrenewable 1.Students will be able to identify various ways which electrical energy is generated using renewable and nonrenewable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy

2 Objectives renewable nonrenewable 1.Students will be able to identify various ways which electrical energy is generated using renewable and nonrenewable resources. 2.Students will identify several ways in which energy may be stored. mechanical electricalthermal 3.Students will be able to compare how mechanical to electrical energy and electrical to thermal energy is transformed. conductionconvection radiation 4.Students will be able to explain how thermal energy can be transformed by conduction, convection and radiation.

3 Forms of Energy 1.Thermal Energy the total energy of the particles that make up an object 2.Chemical Energy the energy of a compound that changes as its atoms are rearranged to form new compounds 3.Electrical Energy the energy of moving electrons 4.Sound Energy caused by an objects vibrations 5.Light Energy produced by the vibrations of electrically charged particles 6.Nuclear Energy the energy associated with changes in the nucleus of an atom

4 Homework Complete “Forms of Energy” Packet on the back of the packet draw a tree map with examples of the each type of energy (at least 2 examples each) Due tomorrow

5 Forms Of Energy Thermal Energy Examples Chemical Energy Examples Electrical Energy Examples Sound Energy Examples Light Energy Examples Nuclear Energy Examples

6 Nonrenewable/Renewable Resources 1. Energy-the ability to do work (power) 2. Source-where something comes from 3. Work that occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the source 4. Work and Energy are expressed in the same units Joules (J)

7 What do you think? Nonrenewable Renewable Fossil fuels Wind Plant waste Minerals Nuclear power water Sun Heat from within earth

8 Homework Complete “Energy, Renewable and Nonrenewable Forms” packet Due tomorrow

9 Potential and Kinetic Energy Watch Physical_Science_Motion Video 18 minutes During video you should be able to define potential and kinetic energy, write in notebook** **During video you should be able to define potential and kinetic energy, write in notebook**

10 Definitions Kinetic Energy - Kinetic Energy -energy of motion Potential Energy Potential Energy- energy an object has because of its position or shape Mechanical Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy

11 Homework Complete “Why Do Basketballs Bounce? Why Do Eggs…Not? Due Tomorrow **Also bring basketballs, tennis balls and rubber balls from home for an experiment NO HOMEWORK NO EXPERIMENT

12 Bounce Experiment 1.Copy the tree map in science notebook for experiment 2.Make hypothesis and write down

13 Bounce Experiment Hypothesis Type of Surfaces Surface 1: Carpet Surface 2: grass Surface 3: Concrete Measurements of how high ball Bounced

14 Bounce Experiment ?’s 1.On which surface did the ball bounce the highest? Why? 2.On which surface did the ball bounce the lowest? Why? 3.What is the purpose of this experiment? 4.What did you learn from this experiment about Potential and Kinetic energy?

15 Energy Conversions 1.Energy Conversions 1.Energy Conversions= a change from one form of energy into another 2.Example: a. At what point does the rollercoaster have the greatest kinetic energy? b. At what point does the rollercoaster have the greatest potential energy?

16 Examples of Conversions Alarm Clock Electrical Light and Sound Battery Electrical Chemical Light bulb Electrical Light and Thermal Blender Electrical Kinetic and sound

17 Conservation of Energy 1.Friction=a force that opposed motion between two surfaces that are touching 2.Law of Conservation of Energy=energy can be neither created nor destroyed



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