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RE resources for our pupils. Flashlight To create wonder To highlight good work and for pupils to value others (AfL)

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Presentation on theme: "RE resources for our pupils. Flashlight To create wonder To highlight good work and for pupils to value others (AfL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 RE resources for our pupils

2 Flashlight To create wonder To highlight good work and for pupils to value others (AfL)

3 To create a spiritual direction, a journey between two ideas or two places Pebble tiles

4 Silk flame-effect machine To give a sense of wonder in the Autumn term, to connect with the Zoroastrian tradition – ‘the eternal flame’

5 Different fabrics and hoops To create symbolism

6 Natural objects To give a sense of connection with the outside world

7 Hats and head covering For role play

8 For symbolism….love, blood…. Flower Petals

9 For all sorts of work to do with peace and goodness… A dove

10 For a shorthand way of saying good and evil A snake and white flowers

11 To hang ribbons, for remembering A tree

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