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Probability in Sampling. Key Concepts l Statistical terms in sampling l Sampling error l The sampling distribution.

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Presentation on theme: "Probability in Sampling. Key Concepts l Statistical terms in sampling l Sampling error l The sampling distribution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Probability in Sampling

2 Key Concepts l Statistical terms in sampling l Sampling error l The sampling distribution

3 Statistical Terms in Sampling Variable

4 1234123412341234 Variable Grades

5 1234123412341234 Variable Statistic Grades

6 1234123412341234 Variable Statistic Grades Average = 2.72 UofR Sample

7 1234123412341234 Statistical Terms in Sampling Variable Statistic Parameter Grades Average = 2.72 UofR Sample

8 1234123412341234 Statistical Terms in Sampling Variable Statistic Parameter Grades Average = 2.72 Average = 2.75 UofR Sample UofR Population

9 Sampling or Standard Error 353.02. 52.0 150 100 50 0 GPA Frequency The population has a mean of 2.75.

10 Sampling or Standard Error 150 100 50 0 GPA Frequency The population has a mean of 2.75......and a standard error of.25.

11 Sampling or Standard Error 4353.02.552. 0 150 100 50 0 GPA Frequenc y The population has a mean of 2.75......and a standard error of.25. This means that...

12 Sampling or Standard Error 150 100 50 0 GPA Frequency The population has a mean of 2.75......and a standard error of.25. This means that... about 68% of cases fall between 2.5 - 3.0.

13 Sampling or Standard Error 150 100 50 0 GPA Frequency The population has a mean of 2.75......and a standard error of.25. This means... About 68% of cases fall between 2.5 - 3.0. About 95% of cases fall between 2.25 - 3.25.

14 Sampling or Standard Error The standard error is often called the sampling error. 150 100 50 0 The sample of 1000 has a mean of 2.74 and a standard error of.0074. GPA Frequency

15 Sampling or Standard Error The sampling/standard error shows that the odds are 95% that the population mean is 2.74 + 2(.0074). 150 100 50 0 GPA Frequency The sample of 1000 has a mean of 2.74 and a standard error of.0074.

16 Sampling or Standard Error 150 100 50 0 Grades Frequency The sampling error shows that the odds are.95 that the population mean is 2.74 + 2(.0074). The sample of 1000 has a mean of 2.74 and a standard error of.0074. Confidence level

17 Sampling Error 150 100 50 0 Grades Frequency The sampling error shows that the odds are.95 that the population mean is 2.74 + 2(.0074). The sample of 1000 has a mean of 2.74 and a standard error of.0074. Confidence interval

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