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 Cardiovascular fitness  Muscular strength  Flexibility  Body fat.

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2  Cardiovascular fitness  Muscular strength  Flexibility  Body fat

3  Aerobic fitness or endurance.  This is the ability to exercise your entire body for a long time.  Your heart and blood vessels move oxygen efficiently through your blood to your lungs.  A person with good cardiovascular fitness has a strong heart and healthy lungs.

4  The ability to use your muscles over a period of time and the amount of force your muscles can make.  A person with good muscular strength can lift, push and pull objects without unusual muscle fatigue.

5  The agility or elasticity of your muscles.  The ability to twist, turn, bend and stretch your body easily.  Flexibility helps prevent muscle pulls and strains and increases the range of motion in body joints.  A person with good flexibility has fewer muscle injuries.

6  The percentage of your body weight that is fat.  Teenage girls should have 10-28% body fat.  Teenage boys should have 7-22% body fat.  Having a healthy amount of body fat can help prevent illness and give you enough energy for activities.

7  Should include  Stretching warm-up  20-60 minute workout  Cool down (slower paced exercise or stretching)  All types of physical fitness * Should be done 4-5 times per week!

8  Find your pulse and use a watch with a second hand to count the number of heartbeats you have in 15 seconds.  Multiply the number of beats by 4 to get your resting heart rate.

9  45 – 60 bpm (beats per minute)  Excellent fitness level  61-70 bpm  Good fitness level  71-85 bpm  Average fitness level  86-100 bpm  Below average fitness level  100+ bpm  Very poor cardiovascular fitness; you may wish to see a doctor

10  These results are not accurate if the resting heart rate is not true. For a true resting heart rate, the body should be totally relaxed and calm. Exercise, stimulating thoughts, and fast music are some examples of things that can raise heart rate.

11  Figure out your general maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220.  Do an aerobic exercise for at least 10 minutes.  Immediately take your pulse for 15 seconds. Multiply this number by 4 to get your exercising heart rate for one minute.  Divide your exercising heart rate by your maximum heart rate.  Multiply by 100 to determine the percent of maximum heart rate used.  Look at the chart on the next slide to find the amount of exercise you need to do 4-6 days per week in order to improve fitness.

12 Your maximum heart rate is...Exercise for... 50%45-52 minutes 55%37-45 minutes 60%30-37 minutes 65%25-30 minutes 70%20-25 minutes 75%15-20 minutes

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