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1 Presented by Sharon Hennessey Supporting Students, Schools & Families

2 Who Are We?  People First of Louisiana ( Statewide self-advocacy organization Made-up and led by people with disabilities Mission is empowerment Cornerstones of our activities are self-advocacy and self-determination All activities are “People First Language and Principles”

3 P EOPLE F IRST L ANGUAGE Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 “People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has, not who a person is.”

4 Why Include Self-Advocacy & Self-Determination in Educational Opportunities?  One goal of education is to prepare for the future.  The youth of today will shape tomorrow.  The youth are shaped by learning, experiences and perceptions.  The future should value ability, participation and social interaction without seeing disability.  The future should embrace inclusion.  We need to empower youth to embrace inclusion.

5 Why Include Self-Advocacy & Self- Determination in Educational Opportunities? Self-advocacy transform presence into active participation:  Identify wants and needs  Recognizing abilities and need for compensations  Being accountable for accommodations  Requires an internal sense of self-worth

6 Why Include Self-Advocacy & Self- Determination in Educational Opportunities? The principles of self-determination guide valued social interaction:  Control, choice and responsibility  Relationships  Dignity and respect  Dignity of risk  Contribution

7 Why Include Self-Advocacy & Self-Determination in Educational Opportunities?  We need to create learning opportunities that empower youth to experience, perceive and expect inclusion.  Self-advocacy and self-determination build empowerment. Empowerment builds inclusion.

8 Inclusion  Inclusion requires active participation  Inclusion requires valued social interaction.  Inclusion requires self-advocacy and self-determination.  Inclusion recognizes and values diversity.  Ultimately, diversity enriches our society.

9 How to Create Learning Opportunities That Build Inclusion?  Must be true to the principles that inclusion  Not “just one way” to accomplish  Must be flexible enough to meet students “where they are”  Must consider resources and needs of school

10 What are the steps in this process? 1.Determine who needs to be involved in process  Students, parents and family  School staff and faculty  Mentoring students  Mentoring school staff and faculty  Family facilitator  Transition specialist  Someone else?

11 What are the steps In this process? 2. Engage students, faculty/staff 3. Recruit and train mentors 4. Facilitate workshops 5. Acquiring new mentors 6. Plan for future workshops

12 How can I help?  Provide workshops to Students, Families, Educators on the following topics:  Any topic (i.e. Self-Advocacy & Self-Determination, goal setting, leadership)  Understanding People First  Starting People First Chapter  Attend school/district leadership meeting  Provide resources and support I provided support to EBR & Natchitoches in the last year.

13 Questions? You can also contact me at Sharon Hennessey People First of Louisiana 606 Colonial Drive Suite I Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Office: 225 383-1033 | Cell: 225 454-2730 | Fax: 225 383-1092

14 Websites of Interest  Office For Citizens with Developmental Disabilities  LA Developmental Disabilities Council  LA Assistive Technology Access Network  The Arc of Louisiana  The Advocacy Center of LA  R-Word Campaign  We Connect Now

15 The contents of this PowerPoint presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H323A110003. However those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. LASPDG Website:

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