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The Revolutionary Period 1750-1800. The Historical Setting American colonists were basically satisfied with British rule. Between mid 1760s and 1770s,

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Presentation on theme: "The Revolutionary Period 1750-1800. The Historical Setting American colonists were basically satisfied with British rule. Between mid 1760s and 1770s,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Revolutionary Period 1750-1800

2 The Historical Setting American colonists were basically satisfied with British rule. Between mid 1760s and 1770s, Parliament and King George III imposed taxes.  Sugar Act, 1764  Stamp Act, 1765  Townshend Act, 1767

3 Historical Setting, continued These events led the colonists to question the motherland (England) This questioning leads to rebellion

4 The Age of Reason The 18 th century (1700s) is often known as the Age of Reason Also known as the Enlightenment. Valued reason over faith--reason can examine institutions and ideas

5 The Age of Reason Unlike Puritans, Americans now had little interest in the hereafter (where we go after we’re here). They believed that people are by nature good and not evil. They also thought that a perfect society is possible

6 Toward a Clash of Arms The American Revolution was preceded by the French and Indian War. This war got France out of the North American territory but ran up a huge debt. Parliament enacted the Stamp Act in 1765, which the colonists hated.

7 “The Shot Heard Round the World ” On April 18. 1775, a shot was fired and the Revolution had begun. General George Washington was commander in chief of the colonial forces. Ended on October 19, 1781, with the surrender at Yorktown, Va.

8 General Washington became the nation’s first president. John Adams succeeded him. Then, in 1800, the drafter of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, was elected.

9 Literature in a Time of Crisis Did a lot of writing, but not like Puritans, it was public writing--they lived their writing. 50 newspapers and 40 magazines by time of war in colonies. After 1763, writing was more focused on relationship with England and on nature of government--very political writing.

10 Politics as Literature Shaped nation and the world. Important speakers and writers are:  James Otis  Patrick Henry  Thomas Paine, “Common Sense”

11 Politics as Literature  Thomas Jefferson, “The Declaration of Independence”  The “Framers” of the Constitution  Madison, Jay and Hamilton, “The Federalist Papers.”

12 The Cultural Scene Some poetry was written, Phillis Wheatley is one poet. Best known author of work outside of politics is Benjamin Franklin  Poor Richard’s Almanack  Autobiography

13 Focus on.. Self-examination and self-improvement literary devices of persuasion, propaganda, allusion, imagery, metaphor, first person POV, aphorisms Authors had to “build” America and shape the social, political, and cultural environment.

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