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  Please get out your major themes sheet and any notes you may have.  Be ready for a short quiz over your homework reading. Good morning!

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Presentation on theme: "  Please get out your major themes sheet and any notes you may have.  Be ready for a short quiz over your homework reading. Good morning!"— Presentation transcript:

1   Please get out your major themes sheet and any notes you may have.  Be ready for a short quiz over your homework reading. Good morning!

2  Quiz



5   POVL  Origin  Purpose  Value  Limitations  What is the overall message? Document Analysis

6 #2 What was the immediate impact of the war? How do we balance freedom & order? What are we willing to give up in order to get what we want?

7   The case of John Merryman?  The case of Clement Vallandigham?  The case of Lambdin Milligan?  What are the fundamental conflicts in these cases? What do we know about …

8   How are our freedoms limited in the name of security?  Make a list  Are we OK with these limitations? When are they OK & when are they not OK? How do we decide? Pairs Discussion Questions

9   Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, had hundreds arrested & jailed without trial, and shut down newspapers critical of the Union & the war.  Was Lincoln justified? Abraham Lincoln

10   Create a visual that shows the controversy of balancing civil liberties with the wartime needs of the country during the Civil War  Cartoon, Poster, Mind-Map, Newspaper article, Chart, etc.  Merryman, Vallandigham, and/or Milligan  Pp. 47-49 in book Activity – Individual or Pairs

11 See Seminar Assignment Sheet & Document Pack #1 Annotate & take notes as you go. Answer questions for each doc. Actively engage with the docs. Socratic Seminar Intro

12 Emancipation in 1863 Effects???

13  Number the paragraphs.  What is the main idea?  What controversial issues are raised?  How does this doc contribute to emancipation?  What is one question this text raises for you? First Confiscation Act

14  Go for it! Docs 2 & 3

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