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Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) Marine Tasks Joe Elms Program Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) Marine Tasks Joe Elms Program Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) Marine Tasks Joe Elms Program Manager

2 NOAA’s Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP ) Primary Goal: Digitize and preserve historical climate and environmental data and make them easily accessible via the Internet 50 NOAA tasks supported by CDMP FY 2005 funding Task Selection based on an Annual Proposal Process

3 CDMP has three primary Conversion Contractors Current contracts end either February or March 2006 CDMP FY 06 budget is not yet known CDMP Data Access Workshop November 15-16, 2005 CDMP Current Status

4 CDMP Marine Activities Canadian Marine WMO Publication 47 Incoming Marine Records - VOS & Navy German Maury US Maury Lightship Observations NOS & Fisheries data Simultaneous Ship Observations NOS Coastal Charts Early European Ship Logs

5 WSSRD LOGIN: user name/password required





10 Incoming Records: US Navy Forms VOS Forms Approximately 120K obs/yr Canadian Marine (1992 - 2005 ) VOS Forms Canadian Navy Forms 242K obs keyed All of these data should flow to the Global Collecting Centers

11 Maury Collections German Maury Collection: 870 logbooks; 20945 images in the Collection Keying format has been prepared for the 1 st series logbook selection and keying software being developed US Maury Collection: Keyed in China 69904 images in the Collection on WSSRD Original manuscript Inventory imaged (88 reels) from NARA

12 WMO Pub 47 1955-1972 (15 volumes; 2920 pages) Keying format developed 1 st pilot test produced 1955 Ed. 1972 Ed.

13 NOS tide station data – 152 stations along the US coast and Caribbean Sea – daily reading of air temperature, water temperature and density (1887-1995) Fisheries deck log data from SeaCat Bongo cruises (1985-2000; 32,958 records) Lightship Observations: NCDC holdings ( 14 lightships; 1936-1983 ) NARA holdings (1891-1971) Simultaneous Meteorological Observations on Ships (1874-1902) Additional Marine Data Collections

14 Approximately 75% of the 14,000 T-Sheets have been vectorized NOS Shoreline Charts The vector data are accessible from the NOAA Shoreline Data Explorer web site: The raster data are available from the IMC Coastal Data Explorer web site:

15 Early European Ship Logbooks Workshop at NCDC in Aug 2004 UK & Other European Collections Determine what is available Identify funding Image and keying Quality Control and merging

16 Any Questions?

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