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Working with Gypsies and Travellers for community cohesion: challenges and effective responses for local authorities, social landlords and partner agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Gypsies and Travellers for community cohesion: challenges and effective responses for local authorities, social landlords and partner agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Gypsies and Travellers for community cohesion: challenges and effective responses for local authorities, social landlords and partner agencies 6 November 2007

2 Key questions for today What approaches are effective in developing an understanding of the needs and aspirations of Gypsies and Travellers? How can mainstream services (housing, health and education) better reach Gypsies and Travellers? How can conflict between Gypsies and Travellers and the settled community - sparked by disputes over developments and encampments - be managed or prevented?

3 Responsibilities, powers and opportunities Claire Cooper Head of the Gypsy and Traveller Unit Communities and Local Government

4 What’s the problem? Around 25% of Gypsy and Traveller caravans are on unauthorised sites, which can lead to tensions with the settled community Gypsies and Travellers are the most socially excluded group in the country Public attitudes towards Gypsies and Travellers: “…..the last acceptable form of racism…..” (Trevor Phillips)

5 Health and education outcomes 42% of Gypsies and Travellers reporting limiting long term illness - compared to 18% of the settled population Average life expectancy for Gypsies and Travellers is 10-12 years less than the settled population 18% of Gypsy and Traveller mothers have experienced death of a child – compared to 1% in the settled population In 2006, 22% of Irish Traveller children and 15% of Gypsy children achieved 5 A-C Grades at GCSE – compared to 55% of the settled population

6 Growth in Gypsy and Traveller caravans – historic data, no action

7 The new framework for site provision Local authorities assess need in their area Regional Planning Body decides total need for region Regional Spatial Strategy specifies pitch numbers for each local authority Local authority identifies land to meet need in local plan

8 Increasing site provision and quality New framework for site provision backed up with additional resources Good practice guidance on designing and managing sites Capacity building with local authorities Working with priority local authorities Encouraging RSLs to become involved Ensuring effective use of enforcement powers Guidance on tackling ASB

9 How? s106 Innovative approaches Role of RSLs Capacity building for the Gypsy and Traveller community …Leadership

10 Key issues Political will Timing Scale Imagination

11 What lies beneath Abandoned car sparks Jew chaos Bangladeshi banned from driving Call for residents to express Afro- Caribbean views Welsh people who lived in luxury have millions of pounds seized Muslim blight!

12 Success… Rational debate on how to provide for the accommodation needs of all parts of the community: –Effective local leadership –Responsible media coverage –Genuine democracy in action More homes and decent homes! Same range of options as for the settled community Better health, education and social outcomes for Gypsies and Travellers THRIVING, COHESIVE, COMMUNITIES

13 Here to help…

14 Your response

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