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Early Civilizations By Jennifer Salsbury. Early Cultures First American’s went through periods of extreme cold called the Ice ages. During the Ice Ages.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Civilizations By Jennifer Salsbury. Early Cultures First American’s went through periods of extreme cold called the Ice ages. During the Ice Ages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Civilizations By Jennifer Salsbury

2 Early Cultures First American’s went through periods of extreme cold called the Ice ages. During the Ice Ages much, of Earth’s water was frozen into huge sheets of ice called glaciers.

3 Specialize Once people learned to farm, the were able to grow more food than they needed. Because people no longer hunted for all their food, they could specialize, or spend more time doing one job

4 Beringia Hunters and animals walked across natural “Land Bridges” where large bodies of water are found today. Scientists believe that some people crossed Beringia from Asia and arrived in the Americas. Civilizations A kind of culture that has complex systems of government, education and religion.

5 Olmec One of the earliest civilization in the Americas. They grew corn, beans, and squash along the riverbanks that flooded in the summer. The Olmec were among the first Americans to use stone in sculpture and architecture.

6 Irrigation The Anasazi were able to farm in the desert by using irrigation to water their crops

7 What are huge sheets of frozen ice? A.Ice Ages B.Beriginia C.GlaciersGlaciers

8 Answer is C A.Ice age is a period of time when much of earth’s water was frozen into glaciers. B.Beringia is a natural "land bridge" That Scientist's think early civilizations used to cross from one place to another.

9 What is a civilization? A.A trading city for the Olmec Civilization. B.Complex system of culture that had systems of government, education, and religion.Complex system of culture that had systems of government, education, and religion. C.When you spend most of your time doing one job.

10 True or False The Mound Builders were the first civilization know to use irrigation.

11 The answer is False The Anasazi were the first civilization to use irrigation.

12 True or False A civilization is a complex system of culture that had systems of government, education and religion.

13 This is true

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