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Recipe For a Small Planet. Understanding the Chemistry of the Solar System Begins with the Sun.

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Presentation on theme: "Recipe For a Small Planet. Understanding the Chemistry of the Solar System Begins with the Sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recipe For a Small Planet

2 Understanding the Chemistry of the Solar System Begins with the Sun

3 The Solar Spectrum

4 Chemistry of the Sun

5 Chondrites are a Close Match to the Sun’s Composition

6 Chondrites are Depleted in Gases, a bit Richer in Metals, than the Sun

7 Mega-Impacts may Have Mixed Materials From Different Planets

8 Earth’s Mantle is Basically Chondritic in Composition

9 We Can Expect Basalt to be Very Abundant in the Universe

10 Anorthosite

11 With Some Very Simple Science, We Can Understand the Geology of the Moon

12 Earth’s Interior is in Motion

13 Basalt Forms Earth’s Ocean Floors as Plates Pull Apart

14 Basalt Builds Great Shield Volcanoes

15 Satellite View of Mauna Loa

16 Olympus Mons on Mars is also a Shield Volcano

17 Much of Venus Seems to be Covered With Basalt

18 So Far, Granite is Unique to the Earth

19 Granite is the Sign of an Internally-Active Planet

20 Deep in the Earth, Under High Pressure, Eclogite Forms

21 Earth is Unique in Many Ways

22 Earth’s Unique Surface

23 Our Pleasant Earth is a Remarkably Hostile Environment for Rocks

24 Where It’s Cold Enough, Ice Can Be a Rock

25 In the Cold Outer Solar System, Worlds are Made of Ice as Well as Rock

26 Under High Pressure, Ice Assumes a Number of Exotic Forms

27 Io

28 Artist’s Conception of a Scene on Io

29 Titan

30 Uranus (Artist’s Conception)

31 The Narrow Rings of Uranus

32 Comets are Leftovers from the Outer Solar System


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