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WoW #8 Day 1 Definition Part of speech Related forms (adj., adv...) 3 Synonyms 1 Sentence per form Come up with your own Antonym pugnacious.

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Presentation on theme: "WoW #8 Day 1 Definition Part of speech Related forms (adj., adv...) 3 Synonyms 1 Sentence per form Come up with your own Antonym pugnacious."— Presentation transcript:

1 WoW #8 Day 1 Definition Part of speech Related forms (adj., adv...) 3 Synonyms 1 Sentence per form Come up with your own Antonym pugnacious

2 WoW #8 Day 2 pugnacious Draw a picture that will help you remember the word "pugnacious" Write a sentence in which you use the word "pugnacious" to explain your drawing. adjective form Pugnacious individuals often show their antagonism through their facial expressions.

3 WoW#8 Day 3 Compound Sentence write a compound sentence in which you use the noun form "pugnacity OR pugnaciousness" 1 independent clause + a comma + a coordinating conjunction + 1 independent clause p ugnacity OR pugnaciousness For And Nor But Or Noun Form The man's pugnacity often got him in trouble, but he was still respected by his peers.

4 WoW#8 Day 4 Compound Sentence write a compound sentence in which you use the adverb form "pugnaciously" 1 independent clause + a comma + a coordinating conjunction + 1 independent clause pugnaciously For And Nor But Or Adverb Form The woman pugnaciously attacked her husband with a rolling pin, and the police had to get involved.

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