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The Principles That Guide Us. Where do they come from Ideas Values Beliefs It is what motivates your work day.

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Presentation on theme: "The Principles That Guide Us. Where do they come from Ideas Values Beliefs It is what motivates your work day."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Principles That Guide Us

2 Where do they come from Ideas Values Beliefs It is what motivates your work day

3 River Oaks Country Club Culinary Guiding Principles Improve everything we touch Taste everything (use disposable spoons) Commit to excellence (everyone is involved) Treat members with respect Create a safe & positive work space Use the proper tool for the job Be Accountable Serve hot/cold food hot/cold Uncompromising Sanitation Practices

4 Principles Take pride in the chef uniform: be clean & crisp Prepare ultimate kitchen & mental “mise en place” Never lose a member(customer) Meticulously attend to every detail Recognize and reward excellence Educate and motivate

5 Principles Consider “What are our options” Always ask, “What can I do to help” Function as a team Dedicate yourself to always do your best work

6 Culinary Workout Sessions A meeting that lasts less then an hour Time for everyone to have a voice Present challenges Introduce new concepts Train employees on new information Reward excellence Acknowledge the completion of goals

7 Framework for Success Complete every job asked of you better than your boss expected it to be done.

8 Success You don’t have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great

9 Mentoring The power of helping people A wise trusted teacher Guide Friend Giving Making a difference

10 The Work Ethic Is Good good enough? How does a promotion come about? How do we get a raise? Time & effort The best at what you do

11 If you cheat your time to gain valuable experience, you will cheat your payday later in your career. Chef Carroll

12 Invest in your own future!! Don’t Cheat yourself

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