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Sickle Cell Anemia Danny Gardner and Merline Maxi 1/28/10 Period 9/10.

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1 Sickle Cell Anemia Danny Gardner and Merline Maxi 1/28/10 Period 9/10

2 Summary of Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle Cell Anemia is a disorder in the red blood cells causing them to be “sickle” shaped, thus preventing oxygen from reaching certain organs and the red blood cells from going through blood vessels.

3 What Chromosome is Sickle Cell located On? There is a mutation on chromosome eleven that causes the hemoglobin molecules to form incorrectly giving a crescent shape.

4 Mode of Inheritance Sickle Cell is an autosomal recessive patterned disease in red blood cells that prevents oxygen from reaching parts of the body.

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