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Code Management James N. Bellinger University of Wisconsin at Madison 1 June 2011 1.

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1 Code Management James N. Bellinger University of Wisconsin at Madison 1 June 2011 1

2 Libraries CDF Uses Shared libraries (non-system) we use come from: – dcap – diskcache_i – frontier_client – oracle_instant_client – root root v5 collection uses fewer than root v4 – Our own code (DBANA things) 3/17/2016

3 Static Libraries Internal (CLHEP, Pdflib, and part of gsl, etc) External (CERNlib, msql, gsl, lund, dcap, etc) Proprietary (Oracle, Inventor, RogueWave, etc) – Except Oracle, mostly not used, relic infrastructure System/rpm (tcl, java, mysql, motif, python, gsl, etc) – The astute reader will have noticed that gsl appears three times Not sure where it is anymore (idl, ocs, otl, etc) 3/17/2016

4 Confusion We have two different instances of – – Looking into which are used and why 3/17/2016

5 Things found in products cern/geant isajet lhapdf boost gsl herwig msql oracle_instant_client 3/17/2016 pythia qq root stdhep histo lund dcap diskcache_i frontier_client

6 Proprietary/Where’d it Go? Objectivity ObjectSpace RogueWave Inventor Oracle Orbacus idl (InteractiveDataLanguage) ocs (tape handling) rbio (raw buffered I/O) unixODBC vecbos Zmtools cmsim xdr (should be system) stl (old interface?) ace 3/17/2016

7 System/RPM, or ought to be stl? mysql gsl java motif python tcl/tk yacc (tool, not library) readline 3/17/2016

8 Current Work and Plans Need to figure out how to implement default sam configuration offsite Review products: which do we need to recompile? Concentrate effort on 6.2.6 release Combine 6.1.4mc.m and patches into 6.2.6alpha: list almost ready Combine 6.1.4mc.m and patches into 6.2.4alpha Test 6.2.6alpha and 6.2.4alpha against gcc 4.5.1 18 May 20118

9 All Products Page 1 HTMLgen blt boost cafclient cdf_utilities cdfdab cdfdb_data cdfsoft2_products cern cernsource csl_offline cvs cx_Oracle dcap dddebugger diskcache_i ecrc encp fcp fcslib fileinfo frontier_client gcc gccpatch gdb geant gnuplot gsl gtools 3/17/2016 herwig histo imagelibs isajet isawig java jimmy kai_key kftp krb5_libs level3_offline lhapdf_cdf lund mcfio msql mysql mysqltcl neurobayes neurobayes_expert neurobayes_licence neurobayes_license_handler numpy oracle_client oracle_instant_client oracle_tnsnames pdf perl perl_dbd_oracle postgres pyfuzzy DROP RPM? EMPTY? RPM? DROP RPM?

10 All Products Page 2 pythia python python_dcoracle qq root rrdtools sam sam_client_products sam_common_pylib sam_config sam_cpp_api sam_cppc sam_faq sam_mis_pyapi sam_ns_ior sam_user_pyapi samgrid_batch_adapter 3/17/2016 silimap stdhep tcl tk totalview upd ups webCGI xanim xfig ximagetools DROP RPM? ??

11 Product Recompiling Candidates (for 6.2.X) cafclient cdfdab cern clhep dcap diskcache_i frontier_client geant? gtools/? herwig isajet jimmy lund 18 May 201111 mysql? pdf qq root sam stdhep

12 Product Pruning—Automatic Setup Set cafclient cdfdab cern clhep dcap dddebugger diskcache_i frontier_client gccpatch geant gsl gtools herwig isajet jimmy lund 18 May 201112 mysql oracle pdf qq root sam stdhep CLHEP uses this Our own gmake, f2c, etc? Why?

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