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Descent into WWI & Crisis in the European Order Chapter 28 Pg. 647-656.

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Presentation on theme: "Descent into WWI & Crisis in the European Order Chapter 28 Pg. 647-656."— Presentation transcript:

1 Descent into WWI & Crisis in the European Order Chapter 28 Pg. 647-656

2 Coming of the Great War Long March to War (long-term causes)  Remember the “MAIN” causes –Militarism: –Alliance systems: –Imperialism: –Nationalism:

3 Outbreak of War (the short-term causes)  Balkans represent broader themes of Europe  Alliances turn regional conflict into European conflict  British entry turns conflict global

4 A World at War

5 The War in Europe (Western Front)  New weaponry creates losses in the millions  Schlieffen plan –fails & war quickly turns into a stalemate –Aided by use of trench warfare

6 The War in the East & Italy (Eastern Front)  Russia –Diverts German resources while suffering huge losses –Crisis of leadership led overthrow of Tsar  Austria-Hungary –Multiethnic armies required German reinforcement to hold off Russia –Successful “high-ground” position led to disaster in Italy

7 Home Fronts in Europe  Major disconnect b/t soldiers & civilians  “Total war” effort  Sped up developments already in place –Social & labor unrest –Women’s roles

8 War Outside Europe  Colonies did much to create global war –Supplies, raw materials, soldiers, labor  Japan –Made imperialist claims (Europe distracted) –Foreshadowed WWII 1 of 2

9 War Outside Europe  Ottomans –Continued German military advice –Fend off British in Gallipoli & threaten Suez –Blame of losses led to Armenian Genocide  U.S. –Drawn into war adding industrial & military power 2 of 2

10 Endgame: Offensive Warfare  Bolshevik Revolution pulls Russia out → one front war  Central powers quickly break down –Fuels anti-Semitism  Stark realities of war hit –Casualties in the millions –Damaged economies –Nationalistic fervor broken → Circumstances ripe for Great Depression & authoritarian governments in the 1930s

11 Failed Peace  Peace talks dominated by the “Big 3” –Motivated by losses & revenge  Self-determination was clear theme  Outcome –Versailles = colossal failure –League of Nations

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