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SafeTec The forefront in Technology for Safety, in the workplace.

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1 SafeTec The forefront in Technology for Safety, in the workplace

2 Lightweight approx. 200g Panic Button Easy to Wear Safety Area Detection (SAD) Pin-Point Location SafeTec “There was a time for safety in the workplace, now look for SafeTec.” Walkie-Talkie

3  SAD Technology – Safety Area Detection So what is the SafeTec Device?  SAD Technology – Safety Area Detection You input your buildings Blueprints to the software You add Safety Zones (i.e. Areas Safety Equipment is required, or extra training is required) Using your buildings WiFi the device signals can be Triangulated and located at Any time.

4  A Panic Button, all be it, not in the conventional sense. What to do if you Panic?  The Arial at the top of the device can be detached  When removed, an alarm is triggered, and the device is instantly located, so help can be sent  This would ease confidence in the more dangerous workplaces False alarms can be canceled by simply re inserting the arial

5  Theres a very simple two way radio built in to the device Got a Question?  Communicates with the user controlling the base station for the devices  Questions on Safety? Manual Handling? Training? Could be use to check in with people if carrying out more dangerous tasks

6  A term some people may be aware of from health & safety talks Slips/Trips & Falls  If a device is on a staff member that has a fall, the device can trigger an alarm  The way this works, is a Mercury Switch  The liquid mercury within the component, completes the connection between the two ends of the wire. If The device is lay flat for an extended period of time, an alarm can be triggered, because the contact will be made in the circuit.

7  Each Team Member  Google News  Maplins Electronics (Mercury Switch)  button/index.html button/index.html Panic Button Blue Prints Ashley Kierans, Joey Owen, Rob Healey, Andrew Clayton Sources

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