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Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment{ Practicing Perfectly Webquest: Discovering the Best Ways to Practice White Pine County.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment{ Practicing Perfectly Webquest: Discovering the Best Ways to Practice White Pine County."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment{ Practicing Perfectly Webquest: Discovering the Best Ways to Practice White Pine County School Bands

2 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment  Every student has difficulty practicing. Often, it is hard to see the “light at the end of the tunnel” and realize how working at your instrument slowly over time will affect you as a musician in the long run. However, if you expect to get better, practicing is the only way to improve your skills. There is no easy way, short cut, or substitute for perseverance and hard work! Introduction

3 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment  In this Webquest, you will learn about what makes an effective and productive practice routine and design one of your own. You will need to use your research skills to discover what function practice serves as well as the benefits and effects it can have on your ability to perform.  You will search for what others recommend as well as items you feel may work best for you.  You may be surprised to find that your “best” way to practice changes through time, but this is very common. Watch how your answers change as your grow with your instrument through high school and beyond. Task

4 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment  Find sample practice routines and tips on practicing from the Internet. You will need to locate at least three sample routines and three samples of pages of tips. It is recommended you use a bookmarking site such as Delicious to keep track of what you find. The more variety the better. Use Edmodo to share useful sites with your peers when working on this activity as a group. Edmodo  Once you’ve gathered and read through all the information, organize it into what you feel will benefit you the best as an instrumental musician using the sample worksheet (Sample Practice Routine) as a guide. Sample Practice RoutineSample Practice Routine  Create your own worksheet using Microsoft Word or a similar word processing program that sets your practice routine. Feel free to create more than one sheet if you would like to have variety from day to day. Be sure to follow the guidelines listed by the rubric (Rubric) and use all the elements mentioned. It should be tailored to fit you and your instrument. Rubric  Once you are finished, you should post your completed practice routine in the Practice Routine folder located in the Library page on our Edmodo page for Keystone Bands. Name the file (Your Name’s) Practice Routine. If you are a newer member of the band, be sure to get the join code from Miss Hall. Edmodo  Sample resources for your project can be located on the following page. Good luck! Process

5 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment These links should help you get started with your research! Sample Practice Routines  Sample Practice Routine #1 Sample Practice Routine #1 Sample Practice Routine #1  Sample Practice Routine #2 Sample Practice Routine #2 Sample Practice Routine #2 How to Practice  Article #1 (Start here! Great resource!) Article #1 Article #1  Article #2 Article #2 Article #2  Article #3 Article #3 Article #3Tips  Article #1 Article #1 Article #1  Article #2 Article #2 Article #2  Article #3 Article #3 Article #3 Instrument Maintenance Tips  Article #1 Article #1 Article #1  Article #2 Article #2 Article #2  Article #3 Article #3 Article #3 See What Your Fellow Band Members Recommend  Edmodo Edmodo Resources

6 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment  Once you have designed your practice routine, save it as a digital document (Microsoft Word preferred.) List your sources on a separate document to turn in.  Review the rubric (Rubric.) Does your practice routine meet the guidelines and include all the elements? Rubric  When you are satisfied with your finished product, post your document in the Practice Routine folder located on the Library page for our site on Edmodo to share with the class. Create a post on Edmodo that answers the following questions: 1. What function does practice serve? 2. Why is it important if you want to become a better musician? 3. What effect would it have on the band as a whole if everyone practiced regularly and effectively? Evaluation

7 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment  No one begins an instrument with the intention of doing poorly at it. However, it is sometimes hard to find motivation to practice because it can be difficult and the effects are not immediate. It requires inspiration, patience, commitment, and effort over time.  Everyone can be successful at an instrument if they learn the proper way to practice and continue to work at it carefully. Even professional players were beginners like you once. They are still learning and practicing even as masters of their instrument/s. Find inspiration when your motivation is lacking! I turn to this video when my motivation is lacking! It always cheers me up and reminds me why I love to play my horn. video  Now you have researched what practice is for and how to do it effectively. You have unearthed tips to help you along your own path to mastery.  With your original practice routine in hand, go forth and become an awesome musician…slowly!  You may be surprised at what effects learning to practice an instrument well may have on you down the road and through life! Conclusion

8 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment  Many thanks to my music teachers who have guided me along my own ongoing path to mastery through the years! Mrs. Tammy Miller, Miss Judy Conrad, Ms. Vicki Smith, Mr. Jim Ballow, Mr. Joseph Triplett, the members of the Fishertown Community Band, Jeff Wardlaw, the faculty of the Clarion University Music Department, Mrs. Terri Wittreich, Mrs. Martha Heise, and anyone else I may have forgot! Credits

9 Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Enrichment  In case you are done early or have some spare time, there is a great speech by Benjamin Zander regarding music and passion I highly recommend! It really speaks to the value of practice and how it translates to beautiful music in time.  Benjamin Zander on Music & Passion Benjamin Zander on Music & Passion Benjamin Zander on Music & Passion  If you find time to watch it, please share your thoughts on Edmodo. I am always interested in discussing this topic! Enrichment Activity

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