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To outline delineate. rock carving petroglyph softener emollient.

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Presentation on theme: "To outline delineate. rock carving petroglyph softener emollient."— Presentation transcript:

1 to outline delineate

2 rock carving petroglyph

3 softener emollient

4 change of shape metamorphosis

5 backward retrograde

6 forming a straight line rectilinear

7 dark sadness melancholy

8 twisting tortuous

9 within the skull intracranial

10 faking righteousness or piety sanctimonious

11 of the heart and vessels cardiovascular

12 correct rectify

13 revelation epiphany

14 study of living tissues histology

15 loudly-voiced vociferous

16 orbital point nearest the sun perihelion

17 disease-causer pathogen

18 built-in inherent

19 having two equal sides isosceles

20 government of the wealthy plutocracy

21 having hidden meaning cryptic

22 essential element sine qua non

23 diseased pathological

24 fat, obese corpulent

25 two-part division dichotomy

26 change of shape metamorphosis

27 to outline delineate

28 softener emollient

29 backward retrograde

30 dark sadness melancholy

31 correct rectify

32 faking righteousness or piety sanctimonious

33 forming a straight line rectilinear

34 rock carving petroglyph

35 within the skull intracranial

36 twisting tortuous

37 revelation epiphany

38 of the heart and vessels cardiovascular

39 built-in inherent

40 loudly-voiced vociferous

41 orbital point nearest the sun perihelion

42 having hidden meaning cryptic

43 disease-causer pathogen

44 government of the wealthy plutocracy

45 having two equal sides isosceles

46 fat, obese corpulent

47 diseased pathological

48 two-part division dichotomy

49 essential element sine qua non

50 study of living tissues histology

51 to outline delineate

52 rock carving petroglyph

53 softener emollient

54 change of shape metamorphosis

55 backward retrograde

56 forming a straight line rectilinear

57 dark sadness melancholy

58 twisting tortuous

59 within the skull intracranial

60 faking righteousness or piety sanctimonious

61 of the heart and vessels cardiovascular

62 correct rectify

63 revelation epiphany

64 study of living tissues histology

65 loudly-voiced vociferous

66 orbital point nearest the sun perihelion

67 disease-causer pathogen

68 built-in inherent

69 having two equal sides isosceles

70 government of the wealthy plutocracy

71 having hidden meaning cryptic

72 essential element sine qua non

73 diseased pathological

74 fat, obese corpulent

75 two-part division dichotomy

76 change of shape metamorphosis

77 to outline delineate

78 softener emollient

79 backward retrograde

80 dark sadness melancholy

81 correct rectify

82 faking righteousness or piety sanctimonious

83 forming a straight line rectilinear

84 rock carving petroglyph

85 within the skull intracranial

86 twisting tortuous

87 revelation epiphany

88 of the heart and vessels cardiovascular

89 built-in inherent

90 loudly-voiced vociferous

91 orbital point nearest the sun perihelion

92 having hidden meaning cryptic

93 disease-causer pathogen

94 government of the wealthy plutocracy

95 having two equal sides isosceles

96 fat, obese corpulent

97 diseased pathological

98 two-part division dichotomy

99 essential element sine qua non

100 study of living tissues histology

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