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How many of these social networks do you use?. Stay safe online!

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Presentation on theme: "How many of these social networks do you use?. Stay safe online!"— Presentation transcript:

1 How many of these social networks do you use?

2 Stay safe online!


4 Click on “Settings” Then on “Privacy Settings”

5 Use these options to control the information people see about you!

6 “Only friends” is the BEST option to limit who sees your info.

7 Check to see what your friends can see about you. If you don’t like what they are able to see, change it!

8 Do you want your friends to know that you watch Hannah Montana? If not, you can restrict that information!

9 You can choose what can be seen about you through the sites applications! Choose your games and applications wisely!

10 This is the most secure setting for applications (uncheck all)


12  Anyone can use whatever picture they want on the Internet, so beware! A nice picture can hide a not-so-nice person!  It’s best not to use your full name on any social networking site – especially until you’re 18.  If you are too young to use a social network, don’t lie, but your true age (teen- aged) may invite cyber-predators, so be careful. Hide your age if you can!

13 Many social networks have a feature that will go through your email address book looking for “friends” or invite all of your address book to be a part of the social network. Do you really want to invite your rabbi, priest, English teacher or librarian (or whoever else is in your email address book) to be your friend on Facebook?

14 If you feel harrassed or bullied on a social network: Ask the operators of the network for help Let them know you are a minor Or confide in a trusted adult

15 When on a social network: Only post things you wouldn’t mind an adult seeing Make sure you have a trusted adult as a “friend” or as a “follower.” This will remind you to be on your best online behavior!

16 Future employers may see what you have posted Colleges and scholarship organizations will look at what you’ve posted

17 It may be the best 10 minutes you spend on the Internet!




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