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February 2015. To provide useful information to support your child at home with areas of English. Inform you about the New English Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "February 2015. To provide useful information to support your child at home with areas of English. Inform you about the New English Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 2015

2 To provide useful information to support your child at home with areas of English. Inform you about the New English Curriculum

3 New Curriculum Phonics and Spelling Reading strategies Writing Speaking and listening Handwriting Opportunities for questions

4 The new English Curriculum has been introduced at the school and its main focus is to promote high standards and equipping the children with strong command of written and spoken language. There is also a big focus on reading for enjoyment. How will we achieve all of the objectives? All year groups will be teaching English linked to their Topic lessons. This makes lessons more enjoyable, interactive and diverse. For example Year 2’s topic is Towers, Turrets and Tunnels. The children will be writing a non-chronological report about castles, explaining what they are, how they used and who you might find in them. They will be taught all the language and the features of the text type before they begin writing. This may include drama etc.

5 Year 1 Writing -Narrative -Traditional and Fairy Tales -Labels, lists and captions -Instructions -Recounts -Information texts -Poetry Reading -Hear, share and discuss a range of books including fiction, non-fiction and poetry -Apply phonics knowledge and skills -Read words with suffixes -Read and answer questions about stories -Retell stories they have read -Appreciate rhymes and poems and learn some by heart Speaking and Listening -Role-play- Discussions -Drama- Retelling stories

6 Year 2 Writing -Narrative -Poetry -Non- fiction writing for different purposes e.g. instructions, information, reports Reading -Reading for pleasure -Hear, share and discuss a range of books including fiction, non-fiction and poetry -Story and poetry language -Inference – read and answer questions about stories, non fiction and poetry -Sequence and re-tell -Continue applying phonics knowledge Speaking and Listening -Role-play- Discussions -Drama- Retelling stories

7 Phonics is one strategy for children to use when reading and spelling. Decode words through blending e.g. splat splash Spell words through segmenting Phonics is split into 6 phases. Children should meet phase 5 in Year 1. Phonics workshop for parents – Summer term.

8 Quick and easy check for Year 1 children and teachers. Week commencing Monday 15 th June 2015. Children in Year 2 that did not meet the expected standard will be retested during the same week. * Let’s look at examples Phonics Screen Checks Phonics Screen Check


10 Children should be encouraged to use their phonic knowledge to help them spell unknown words Tricky words need to be learnt by heart - days of the week Spelling rules taught through phonics sessions - ed, ing, er, est -plurals -Prefix un- ( e.g. unhealthy) -common suffixes such as: ment, ly, ful -Contractions (can’t, won’t) -Homophones ( bear, bare) Looking at simple dictionaries to help with alphabetical order

11 Children should be read with at home every day. Discuss the book! Look at the pictures –make predictions (what will happen next?) Who, what, where, when questions Why do you think…? What would you do if….? How do you know…? What word would you like to steal?

12 Fluency Is the ability to read a text accurately and quickly. Expression To express the text well, to read it with feeling that matches what it means, is one of the best ways to understand it. Expression is such a powerful comprehension strategy because it instantly increases your access to meaning as you read.

13 comprehension Mr Smith saw red. “Sit down and be quiet!” he hissed, through clenched teeth. What else tells us how Mr Smith is feeling in this extract? “reading all the words” is not the same as “understanding the text”. Example of comprehension

14 On the lines find the answer in the text. E.g How old is Cinderella. Between the lines find the answer in the text but using your head. E.g Why has Cinderella got her back to the ugly sister? Beyond the lines higher order skill, making meaning and evaluating the text. E.g What are the similarities/differences between Cinderella and The Fairy Godmother?

15 How writing is taught Topic –castles Purpose – to write instructions on how to make a castle Looking at similar examples and collect features e.g. subheadings, bullet points, imperative verbs Gathering information and collecting ideas(pictures, videos) Orally practise sentences Practise writing with support Independent writing

16 Writing Say out loud what they are going to write before they write it Write sentence (super sentences) Capital letter, finger spaces, phonics to write, adjectives, conjunction/joining word, full stop/?/! Read aloud their own writing check it makes sense Discuss writing with adult Make improvements

17 Vocabulary, Punctuation and Grammar Capital letters, full stops Spaces between words Joining words (and) Questions marks exclamation marks Capitals for people, places,days, I Year 2 Commas in list Apostrophe –contraction and singular possession Adjectives (noun phrase) Past and present tense And but so if because when

18 Speaking and listening Listen (maintaining attention) and respond appropriately to adults and their peers ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge build their vocabulary justify answers, arguments and opinions give descriptions, explanations speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates consider and evaluate different viewpoints

19 Handwriting Sit correctly Hold a pencil correctly Form lower case (little), capital letters, 0-9 Writing shouldn’t be too large Begin to join- year 2 Spacing between words Correct orientation

20 KS1 SATs for Year 2 will happen May/June 2015. Children will complete the following English tests: Level 2 Reading Paper Writing Task – Teacher Assessed (evidence throughout the year) Some children will complete the Level 3 Reading Paper – these children must be a secure Level 2a to do these tests. Children do practise tests throughout the year


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