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Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper Writing is a tool that enables people in every discipline to wrestle with facts and ideas. It’s a physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper Writing is a tool that enables people in every discipline to wrestle with facts and ideas. It’s a physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper Writing is a tool that enables people in every discipline to wrestle with facts and ideas. It’s a physical activity, unlike reading. Writing requires us to operate some kind of mechanism---pencil, pen, typewriter, word processor---for getting our thoughts on paper. It compels us by the repeated effort of language to go after those thoughts and to organize them and present clearly. It forces us to keep asking, “Am I saying what I want to say?” Very often, the answer is “No.” This is a very useful piece of information. William Zinsser, Writing to Learn, p. 49

2 Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper (cont.) If it can be thought about, it can be thought about clearly. And……if it can be written it can be written clearly. For this course you are……. being asked to write in an academic, scholarly manner, utilizing the American Psychological Association(APA) format.

3 Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper (cont.) Have a vision of what you want to write. Write an abstract Before you write the paper. Use the abstract as a guide and to identify the “Big Chunks” of what you are trying to communicate in your paper.

4 Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper (cont.) Consider that one of the world’s greatest writing coaches is the human ear. So…..try reading your paper out loud. How does it sound? If it sounds awkward to read out loud, it’s probably simply awkward. Find the “speed bumps” and clean them up.

5 Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper (cont.) Remember…………….. That which soundeth clunky readeth clunky too.

6 Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper (cont.) Sweat the details----They’re little things but they matter. Pay attention to punctuation, grammar, word choice. Edit Yourself. Edit each sentence individually. Then, edit each paragraph. Ask a friend to edit your paper.

7 Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper (cont.) Write, then rewrite, and rewrite again as necessary. A first draft is…………….. a first draft.

8 Some Thoughts to Consider When Writing a Paper (cont.) Keep in mind that……part of the way you will be evaluated as a school administrator, both formally, informally and by multiple populations, will be based on how well you communicate in writing.

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