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Biome Research By Shelby Martin re- U/graphics/ecosyste ms/Steppe.jpg.

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Presentation on theme: "Biome Research By Shelby Martin re- U/graphics/ecosyste ms/Steppe.jpg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biome Research By Shelby Martin http://geography.wi re- U/graphics/ecosyste ms/Steppe.jpg

2  Location: In North America the grasslands are located in the Southwestern part of the country.  The temperatures vary between a very hot summer and very cold winters.  Soil Type: Deep, rich soil  Precipitation: 20-35 inches per year  Temperature: In the summer the temperature is more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit http://www.esf.e du/efb/hall/efb51 6/web/temp_semi trop_grass/GV072 0.jpg

3  Plant Species: Purple Needle Grass, Wild Oats, Foxtail, Ryegrass, and Buffalo Grass  Animal Species: Bison, Antelope, Birds, Gophers, Prairie Dogs, Coyotes, and Insects http://www.roebuckc s/physical/biome/pra irie.jpg

4  The plants have underground stems and buds making them not easily destroyed by fire.  The growth point for the plants is very close to the ground.  The animals have long legs helping them escape predators.

5  The buds and deep roots of the plants help keep the soil in place.  The animals on the prairie run along on the land trampling the plants.

6  Biodiversity is the variety of living things. It can also be studied. Most people recognize it by species. It also includes full ranges of species that live in an area.

7  It helps ecosystems adjust to disturbances, such as a flood or fire.  It helps species adjust to changes that may happen in the environment.  Biodiversity makes life on earth possible!

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