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1 Enabling “agent” communication at a Web-wide scale.

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1 1 Enabling “agent” communication at a Web-wide scale.

2 2 DAML The Inside Story DAML will create the next major generation of Web/Internet technology...  The first generation, the Internet, created largely by DARPA, enabled disparate machines to exchange data.  The second generation, the World Wide Web, enabled a wide range of new applications on top of the growing Internet. The Web made a huge amount of information available, in human -readable form, allowing a revolution in new applications, environments, and b2c e-commerce.  The next generation of the net is an “agent-enabled” resource (the “ Semantic Web ”) which makes a huge amount of information available in machine -readable form creating a revolution in new applications, environments, and b2b e-commerce. … by enabling “agent” communication at a Web-wide scale. DAML: A Program With “ATTITUDE”!

3 3 DAML Warfighter Impact Horus Deployed on Intelink - September 00  MOU w/IMO in preparation DARPA provides R&D money, IMO provides O&M support  Management of databases and unstructured info (Intelink)  Encapsulate knowledge (initially military units and terrorist events) as domain objects  Ontology-based markup of Intelink web pages DAML Tool Intel Producer on Intelink-S Warfighter on Intelink-S DAML Tools

4 4 DAML Industrial Impact World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) working agreement XML RDF Prop Logic FOPC Pred Calc Classical Logic Interchange Level MeldFuzzyHOLs SHOEClassic Specialized Apps Pillars and clouds: The DAML/W3C working draft “DAML could take search to a new level”, PC Week, February 7, 2000 “DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Agent Markup Language is a step toward what Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, calls a "semantic Web" where agents, search engines and other programs can read DAML mark up to decipher meaning — rather than just content — on a Web site.”

5 5 DAML International Acceptance DAML BAA has received international attention, Working relationship with EC countries being explored. From: DARPA program of interest: German version of released slides, U Karlsruhe

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