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Kathy Rosenthal Back To School Night September 2, 2015.

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2 Kathy Rosenthal Back To School Night September 2, 2015

3 - 5:45 to 6:00- Televised welcome by Mr. Testani and Home and School - 6:00 to 6:30- Mrs. Rosenthal’s presentation of your child’s 5 th grade year - 6:30 to 6:45- Math presentation in your child’s math classroom Tonight’s Agenda

4 Personal Information BA in Psychology from Albright College Masters of Elementary Education from Holy Family University Teaching Experience Council Rock School District Central Bucks School District

5 Our Daily Schedule 8:35- 8:45Morning Meeting 8:45- 10:05Math 10:05- 10:20Snack/ Read Aloud 10:20- 11:00Science/ Social Studies 11:00- 12:00Recess/ Lunch 12:00- 1:00Writing 1:00- 1:40Specials 1:40- 3:10Reading

6 Specials MondayQuest- Mr. Shaw TuesdayMusic- Mrs. Volpe WednesdayLibrary- Mrs. Thomas Computer Lab during Writing ThursdayArt- Mrs. Alderfer FridayPhysical Education- Mrs. Hendershot

7 Questioning & Understanding through Engineering, Science, & Technology

8 Reading Program Lead 21 Comprehension Tool Kit Independent reading of self-selected books In school and at home


10 Language Arts Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Notebook Individual and Group Conferences Emphasis on: Grammar skills/ Spelling Writing process Opinion, Narrative, Informative, Creative Writing, and Research Reports

11 Social Studies SS Alive- Units of Study: Geography/Native American Regions The Road to Revolution and Independence Constitution & The Bill of Rights Current Events

12 Science Areas of Study: Nature’s Recyclers Energy Weather

13 Technology Laptop computers used in classroom Computer Lab one time per week Taught in library, Quest, and homeroom Technology Scope and Sequence used to record learning goals and progress

14 Homework Gayman’s Five Beliefs 1. Purpose- reinforcement of curriculum and time management skills 2. Assessment- used formatively- not graded 3. Time allotment- 50 minutes for 5 th grade 4. May vary dependent on student’s needs 5. Long-Term Projects- relate to curriculum and use secure skills

15 Administrative Cabinet What? A team that meets weekly to discuss student issues and concerns, and brainstorm ideas of how to meet a child’s needs in the classroom. Who? Your child’s teacher Principal (Mr. Testani) Student Support Counselor (Ms. Vass) School Psychologist (Mrs. Moran) Reading Specialists (Mrs. Kehoe or Mrs. Sauers) Other school personnel (as needed) What do they discuss? Any issues that your child may be having in the classroom. Examples: Behavioral, Emotional or Social Concerns, Enrichment Opportunities, Academic Concerns, Fine Motor Skills concerns, Developmental concerns How will you know? Your child’s teacher will communicate to you that they are going to bring these concerns up at a cabinet meeting to get some ideas for the classroom or next steps. The teacher will follow up with you after meeting with the team. If further action is recommended, such as an IST meeting, you will be contacted by Ms. Vass

16 IST Process (Instructional Support Team) What? A team that meets twice a month to review data, create goals and brainstorm interventions to meet a child’s needs in the classroom. Who? Parents Your child’s teacher Principal (Mr. Testani) Student Support Counselor (Ms. Vass) School Psychologist (Mrs. Moran) Reading Specialists (Mrs. Kehoe or Mrs. Sauers) Other school personnel, as deemed necessary What will happen? Once the team has determined goals and interventions, an Action Plan will be developed and implemented. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled to review the effectiveness of the plan and determine a further course of action. Outcomes could include:  Interventions are effective; continue those strategies in the classroom.  Some modifications to the interventions are necessary. Revise the Action Plan and schedule a second follow-up meeting.  Interventions have resulted in limited improvement. An educational evaluation may be recommended (requires parent approval).



19 Communication Thursday Folders Assignment Books Parent Conferences and Report Cards E-mail: Website: Access through Phone (267) 893-4350 ext. 1246

20 Reminders Food allergies: peanuts and tree nut free classroom Transportation changes during day (call office)

21 I am looking forward to a great year with your child Thank you for attending Back-to-School Night

22 Everyday Mathematics PA Core standards and CB standards Introduction and review of concepts presented through math journals, study link booklet, and Student Reference Book (SRB) SRB and other resources on Everyday Mathematics website

23 Everyday Mathematics- cont’d Daily math routine review homework review previously learned skills introduction and reinforcement of concepts practice in school homework

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