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The secret of the ‘meaning of life’…. …is no secret at all.

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Presentation on theme: "The secret of the ‘meaning of life’…. …is no secret at all."— Presentation transcript:

1 The secret of the ‘meaning of life’…

2 …is no secret at all

3 It was never concealed

4 It was never suppressed

5 It has never been incomprehensible

6 In fact…

7 It has always been here for the taking

8 Within reach

9 Right in our face!

10 We just don’t like to look at it

11 We just don’t like to look ín it

12 in this immense mirror called LIFE

13 Because we have been made to think in good and bad

14 in hate and love

15 in perfect and wrong

16 We rather look at somebody else than at ourselves

17 Fooling ourselves believing the world around us tells us nothing about who we are

18 Fooling ourselves that we’re annoyed because that person is annoying

19 that we’re hurt, because that person is hurtful

20 And doing so, we miss an important message doing so, we miss the reflection

21 Every situation

22 Every painful remark

23 Every situation Every painful remark Every source of irritation

24 tells us something about ourselves

25 about how we think about ourselves

26 Not to punish us!

27 Mere as a mirror

28 without judgement

29 so we can see who we are

30 so we can see where we stand

31 and decide for ourselves if we want to change that mirror image

32 So look around you and see yourSelf!

33 Listen to what’s been said and hear yourSelf

34 Become aware of the things around you and experience yourSelf

35 Enjoy the mirror!

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