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VACCIA-project: Vulnerability assessment of ecosystem services for climate change impacts and adaptation Martin Forsius Prof., Research Manager Finnish.

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Presentation on theme: "VACCIA-project: Vulnerability assessment of ecosystem services for climate change impacts and adaptation Martin Forsius Prof., Research Manager Finnish."— Presentation transcript:

1 VACCIA-project: Vulnerability assessment of ecosystem services for climate change impacts and adaptation Martin Forsius Prof., Research Manager Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Research programme for global change EC 12.05.2009

2 17.3.2016 VACCIA-project  Based directly on Finnish network of Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) sites, called FinLTSER  The FinLTSER-sites have top-class infrastructure, long-term data, and are well integrated in the local economy.  Partners: SYKE, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä and Oulu  Total budget 3,2 milj. € (50% EU LIFE+)  Duration: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2011  Coordination SYKE (Forsius)

3 Temperature is predicted to increase particularly during winter Kuukausi Results of 20 models Best estimate and 90% confidence interval (A1B scenario) Change in temperature (°C) Month Finland 1971-2000 => v. 2020-2049 (Gt C/vuosi) Emission scenario A1B

4 more in winter than during summer Precipitation is predicted to increase in Finland 1971-2000 => 2070-2099, Dec-Feb1971-2000 => 2070-2099, Jun-Aug Emissions A1B %

5 Climate change scenarios Land-use information and scenarios Pollution transport data and scenarios Sector-specific vulnerability and adaptation studies for ecosystem goods and services - methods for vulnerability assessment - climate change impacts and critical environmental thresholds - sector-specific adaptation measures Synthesis of overall project results Dissemination of sectorial and overall project results to stakeholders at local, regional, national and international scales

6 17.3.2016 Sectors in VACCIA-project  Coastal ecosystems  Land use in urban environments  Agricultural production  Forest production and C-sequestration  Water quality  Fishery production  Biodiversity  Nature-based tourism

7 17.3.2016 FinLTSER sites 1. Lammi LTER 2. Western Gulf of Finland LTER-site WelFin 3. Lepsämänjoki agricultural watershed area LTSER 4. Bothnian Bay LTSER-platform 5. Lake Päijänne LTSER 6. Helsinki Metropolitan Area LTSER 7. Northern LTSER-platform 8. Pallas-Sodankylä LTER 9. Northern Häme LTER

8 17.3.2016 FinLTSER network

9 17.3.2016

10 Lammi LTER site


12 Biodiversity Action aims: sensititvity analysis for selected endangered species recommendations for species conservation ( in situ and ex situ ) ‏ evaluation and recommendations for nationwide conservation strategies Kuva: Kåge Ahlsved

13 Expected results of biodiversity action  sensitivity analyses for key species  spatially explicit population models  management guidelines for seashore species Photo: Lassi Kalleinen

14 Expected results (cont.) ‏  established ex situ conservation network botanic gardens research stations environmental administration  strategy and action plan ex situ conservation as part of species conservation toolbox integration with international network

15 Effect of ECHAM4 A2 scenario on surface temperature and ice cover on lake Pääjärvi Response surfaces of inorganic N load and suspended sediment load

16 17.3.2016 Corine Land Cover 2000 (CLC2006) Products Cal.sat.mosaic National LC 25m CLC2006 – land cover and its changes Main classes: - Wetlands - Water bodies - Artificial surfaces - Agricultural areas - Forests and semi-natural areas

17 17.3.2016

18 Expected results of VACCIA-project  Demonstration and use of satellite data based GMES-services (maps, databases).  Data analysis and tools for vulnerability assessment of key ecosystem services (reports, GIS-based platforms, modelling tools).  Derivation of critical thresholds for environmental change (reports, databases).  Inventories of adaptation measures together with stakeholders.  Dissemination material and workshops.  Contribution to the development of national and European climate change and adaptation policies.  Contribution to the development of international observation networks (LTER-Europe, ILTER, SAON, GAW, UNEP).

19 17.3.2016

20 Thank you

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