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Tracking and Event Reconstruction for the Multi- purpose Active-target Telescope (MAPT) Michael Milde Space Detector Systems Technische Universität München,

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking and Event Reconstruction for the Multi- purpose Active-target Telescope (MAPT) Michael Milde Space Detector Systems Technische Universität München,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking and Event Reconstruction for the Multi- purpose Active-target Telescope (MAPT) Michael Milde Space Detector Systems Technische Universität München, Excellence Cluster Universe Connecting The Dots 2016 February 23, 2016

2 Motivation 02/23/2016Michael Milde | TUM2 continuous monitoring of the radiation background omnidirectional acceptance determination of particle characteristics particle identification with Bragg curve spectroscopy Applications radiation monitoring in manned and unmanned spacecraft (-> small size and mass) astrophysics: measurement of trapped antiprotons in Earth’s radiation belts medical: radiation therapy, DAQ for PET,... beam monitoring in accelerator facilities

3 Detector 02/23/2016Michael Milde | TUM3 zy-fibersxy-fibers

4 Event Reconstruction 02/23/2016Michael Milde | TUM4 Track finding using standard Hough Transformation find tracks in 2D projections (xy- fibers and zy-fibers) combine 2D tracks to 3D track calculate 3D track parameters (entrance point, two angles) Use resulting track parameters as input for track fitting

5 Track Fitting 02/23/2016Michael Milde | TUM5 Bayesian approach to handle uncertainties on an event-by-event basis parameter estimation (e.g. Birk’s coefficient of fibers) with many events Objective Recursive Bayesian Filtering We model the traversing particle and its interaction with the detector as a dynamic state system. State vector: vector to one point on track directionenergy incoming particle

6 Hidden Markov Model 02/23/2016Michael Milde | TUM6

7 Optimal Bayesian Solution 02/23/2016Michael Milde | TUM7 defined by system model defined by measurement model

8 Particle Filter Implementation 02/23/2016Michael Milde | TUM8 non-linear system model non-Gaussian noise optimal Bayesian solution cannot be solved analytically sequential Monte-Carlo approach: Particle filter = PDFs are modeled as a set of random samples with associated weights Feedback experiences with this approach handling outliers, robustness performance improvements (parallelization, GPU implementation) possible online solutions (particle filter or Hough Transform)

9 Thank you for your attention!

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