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AIM: How Do Muscles Work and Why Are They Important to the Body?

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: How Do Muscles Work and Why Are They Important to the Body?"— Presentation transcript:


2 AIM: How Do Muscles Work and Why Are They Important to the Body?

3 What is a muscle What is a muscle? -tissue made of long thin fibers that cause movement of bones, food, blood by contracting or shortening.

4 What are INVOLUNTARY muscles What are INVOLUNTARY muscles? - muscles you can’t consciously control. There are 2 types: SMOOTH Muscle a) SMOOTH Muscle - cause movement of organs & blood vessels. Ex: digestive organs push food, arteries push blood. CARDIAC Muscle b) CARDIAC Muscle - involuntary muscles found only in the heart. Heart pumps blood.

5 What are VOLUNTARY muscles? -muscles you can consciously control. Ex: Skeletal muscles. STRIATED -also called STRIATED muscle because they are “striped”. -they move bones.

6 How do muscles know when to contract & when to relax How do muscles know when to contract & when to relax? -the brain sends signals through nerves to muscles telling them when to contract & when to stop contracting.

7 How do muscles work to move bones How do muscles work to move bones? PULL -skeletal muscles only PULL bones & they work in pairs. -one muscle will bend joints while its partner will straighten the same joint.

8 Flexors Muscle that bends a joint. Ex: Biceps.

9 Extensors Straighten joints. Ex: Triceps.


11 What is a muscle cramp? -Involuntary contraction of a muscle. Usually caused by a lack of 0 2 What is a muscle sprain? - An over-extension, tear of muscle tissue or connective tissue

12  Too much weight on any person’s body can add more stress on your joints  Using too much protein builds more fat and doesn’t help to create even more muscle. Is this a healthy physique?

13 BrainPop Muscles: under Health

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