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Peer Coaching for Effective Professional Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Coaching for Effective Professional Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Coaching for Effective Professional Learning

2 Activity 1 Professional Learning in Your School

3 Why Peer Coaching? Type of Training Knowledge Mastery Skill Acquisition Classroom Application Theory85%15%5% Practical85%80%10% Coaching90% 80%

4 Peer Coaching Is focused on our core work of improving student outcomes offers a significant degree of challenge is informed by the best available research on effective learning and teaching is embedded in teacher practice and analysis

5 Peer Coaching is a strategy that provides constructive feedback about performance is collaborative and reflective uses evidence based problem solving is an ongoing, supported element within the school culture

6 How does peer coaching work? provides job-embedded professional feedback and support promotes active learning by offering teachers opportunities to become involved in meaningful discussion and planning, observe other teachers, be observed, and receive feedback

7 How does peer coaching work? offers teachers opportunities to link the ideas learned in professional learning sessions to their teaching context is a collaborative partnership between peer coach and learning partner and not a mentor-novice relationship Peer Coaching is not supervision

8 Discuss The implications and what this means for professional learning in your school? ‘How does peer coaching differ from supervision?’

9 Activity 2 Effective professional learning

10 Think of a time when… … You learned something from a professional learning experience that changed your practice as a teacher or leader.

11 Share What made this experience so effective? What are the implications for you as a coach?

12 Activity 3 The Coaching Cycle

13 The Coaching Cycle Assess Identify School Goals PrepareImplement Reflect / Debrief

14 The Coaching Cycle Assess Identify School Goals PrepareImplement Reflect / Debrief

15 Activity 4 Coaching Roles and Attributes

16 Some of the roles coaches play Using classroom data, to help teachers determine an area of the curriculum that needs innovation. Co-planning a learning activity or lesson that integrates technology or a 21st Century Learning dimension into active, engaging learning activities. Demonstrating lessons that integrate 21 st Century Learning dimensions or technology effectively. After observation, discussing, with the participating teacher, what worked, what didn’t and how a lesson or activity might be modified in the future to be more effective.

17 A whole school approach to Peer Coaching

18 Coaching Roles Develop a list of coaching roles. What roles could you play in your school?

19 What are the main attributes of a successful coach? Develop a list of coaching attributes. What attributes do you have now? Which do need to develop?

20 Activity 5 So what?

21 Summary Peer Coaching is proven to be effective Professional Learning Peer Coaching works because it is learning in action Coaches play many roles Attributes of coaches can be nurtured by all of us

22 What will you do? Tomorrow?Next term? Next Semester? Next year?


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