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My Technology Profile The use of technology for NVQs My resource proposal By Mark Phillips.

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1 My Technology Profile The use of technology for NVQs My resource proposal By Mark Phillips



4 SGood with computers (I class myself as a digital native for using office applications) WNot so good with social and networking side OWould like to develop Facebook skills TThe RAF computer system (DII) does not allow facebook

5 The use of technology for NVQs

6 Military Apprenticeship Coordinaters (MACs) RAF Brize Norton RAF Lyneham RAF Benson St Mawgan RAF Lossiemouth RAF Kinloss RAF Leuchars RAF Coningsby RAF Odiham DCAE Cosford RAF Waddington RAF Marham RAF Wittering RAF Cottesmore

7 MAC Technology profile All are reserves (FTRS) Stereotyping them Over 50 Have a mobile phone but do not text Uses computers but not social sites Prefer to print things rather than save electronically Knows their subject very well This could be me soon if I don't do something now Some MACs are very switched on with digital ideas

8 MAC Millennial Score


10 SGood computer access WLimited speed and access to internet OSmart phones and e portfolios being trialled TBudgets and computer security

11 Are these students? I run regular update and assimilation courses I have just completed a tour of every flying station explaining the introduction of a new NVQ

12 Are these students? We hold 2 CPD seminars per year at Cosford With up to 50 people attending Mixture of presentations And small groups lots of two way discussion The Learning Pyramid petty (2004) page 139

13 My Pedagogy I believe that we all use a variety of teaching styles matching our style to each situation. Overall I identify with a Humanist approach I would always start planning a lesson by setting a learning environment that is safe not only physically but emotionally and with a sense of belonging Mark the Humanist

14 My Pedagogy Social learning Petty (2004) page 18 ( Albert Bandura 1977) I always try to set an example I always try to: Portray the image of a Sergeant in the RAF Make the teaching as realistic as possible Give real examples from my experience Point out where the training example differs from reality

15 Community of practice Etienne Wenger A community of practice is that a group of people with some kind of common link who interact regularly. This could be a group of professionals who meet to discuss developments in their field or a group of enthusiasts who meet to share feelings and support each other. However in order to be a community of practice there must be a shared goal or intention to provide the “practice” and make those taking part practitioners Mark P page on Cosford wikispace

16 My resource proposal

17 A facebook forum for reflective practitioners in the RAF NVQ Community of Practice

18 My resource proposal A centre of excellence for PDF on Facebook At present no other camps can amend the Cosford web page In order to create a forum of understanding and cooperation I will go outside of DII This will encourage reflection at home and in personal time It can be accesses during work time by everyone We will use it to feed into the topics we choose for seminars At present we have no system like this

19 Any Questions ?

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