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Computing Introduction Gareth Hunt EVLA System PDR 2001 December 04.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing Introduction Gareth Hunt EVLA System PDR 2001 December 04."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing Introduction Gareth Hunt EVLA System PDR 2001 December 04

2 1 Proposal Preparation and Submission 2 Observation Preparation Software 3 Observation Scheduling Software 4 Control and Monitor System 5 Antenna 6 Feed 7 Receiver 8 IF System 9 Local Oscillator 10 Fiber Optics Transmission System 11 Correlator 12 Image Pipeline 13 Data Archive 14 Data Post-Processing NRAO Data Management Group Canadian Partner EVLA Project Primary Data Flow Monitor and Control data EVLA data flow

3 Gareth HuntEVLA System PDR 2001 December 05 3 Computing Components End-to-end (e2e) –Proposal handling –Observation preparation –Observation scheduling M&C –Observation execution and monitoring End-to-end (e2e) –Image pipeline –Data archive –Data processing

4 Gareth HuntEVLA System PDR 2001 December 05 4 Development Philosophies Spiral, iterative development –Schedule allows for re-evaluation at the end of each cycle EVLA will not be deployed with 10 year old computer hardware –Budget allows for computer upgrades during construction Design for a distributed architecture –Individual components must be replaceable/upgradeable

5 Gareth HuntEVLA System PDR 2001 December 05 5 Some Concerns Clear delineation of deliverables –e2e ►M&C ►e2e –M&C ►Widar ►M&C and e2e “Stitching” of correlated data –Combining Widar LTA outputs –Merge with meta-data Duplication of effort Adoption of hardware platforms and software tools –GUI development MIB upgrades and MIB software portability

6 Gareth HuntEVLA System PDR 2001 December 05 6 Progress Mostly still at the stage of gathering requirement specifications –e2e Project book –M&C Scientific, operational, and technical requirement documents Most technology decisions are still in the future –Gigabit Ethernet between M&C and antennas –Gigabit Ethernet at the correlator back-end –No decision yet on Platforms Compilers Software development tools GUIs Third party software (e.g., from ALMA, GBT, DRAMA, etc.) etc.

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