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CANADA 1945- 1982 Canadian Identity Did Canada follow its own unique path to 1982?

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1 CANADA 1945- 1982 Canadian Identity Did Canada follow its own unique path to 1982?

2 How did the end of the war affect the economy? 1945- plants closed, many wartime workers lost their jobs (reminiscent of 1919) Government relaxed rules on production- companies were allowed to make what was in demand (cars) Government sponsored major building projects Canada was in good shape: we had a large, skilled workforce, large technologically advanced industrial capacity, a population who had been rationing- eager to spend

3 Coming Home Soldiers received money and their Victory bonds profits Government sponsored retraining programs (free tuition) Women were asked to return to traditional female roles (veterans, factory workers “retrained”- Robertson Hairdressing school) Baby Boom- 1949 13.5 million- 1959 17.5 million (30% rise) The consequences was demand for many “family” things- companies switched from military items to consumer items



6 Economic Initiatives Need for public buildings and infrastructure (hospitals, schools, roads, libraries, canals etc…) Trans Canada Highway 1959 St. Lawrence Seaway 1951 (alone), 1945 (with USA help) (Ethical Dimension- the “Lost Villages” (page 346)) Elliot Lake


8 Changing Lives Prosperity- natural resources, oil, infrastructure- jobs, jobs jobs= $, $, $= spend, spend, spend Very few people went further than high school- too many accessible strong jobs Women were the exception, they made up only 23% of the workforce National Housing Act- accessible, inexpensive housing- open land= Suburbs


10 Suburbs- A New Way of Life Cars- live in the ‘burbs, commute to work, school or play Because travelling was required if people wanted anything, many people restricted their travelling to what was available in the ‘burbs’- grocery store, mall, school and church Less interaction between people, created a new sense of privacy and independence (from people and the government) Technologies- Consumer Culture- TV, toys, music, movies But there were barriers to this- Blue Laws- (sale of alcohol, economic activity on certain days, etc…)


12 STRUGGLE FOR EQUALITY Why did Canada start addressing inequalities?

13 Awareness August 1 st 1956- Emancipation Day Celebrations (Martin Luther King, Jr.) Changing “face” of Canada since the end of the war New people, new sensibilities, new ideas Cause and Consequence- Which had a bigger impact; American Civil Rights Movement, or the growing diversity within Canada…hmm…

14 Awareness Media- the media had been dominated by men, but during the war many women were hired to fill journalistic roles Post war- New stories, with an increased viewership, changed from dry news reports to more sensational human interest stories that attracted more public attention- competition for audiences and boom, you have paparazzi Springhill Mining Disaster 1958- live coverage of a dangerous working site, how might that effect change? *Maurice Ruddick and Georgia


16 Ethical Dimension “Judging a Relocation”- 356- 357

17 Inequality Voting-1960- all adult Canadians Canadian Bill of Rights- 1960- recognition of an individuals rights and freedoms- major stepping stone to equality Social Programs- family allowance (Baby Bonus) Employment Insurance Health Programs- 1950’s immunization, extending health coverage to all people Labour

18 Canadian Culture? 1950- Canadian novels- 14 Vincent Massey- Canada needed to nurture its culture or deal with an Americanized society 1957 Canadian Council for the Arts- foster and promote the study of and enjoyment of arts and culture Ethical Dimension- whose culture- British? Native? French? Impact- Canadian Publishing Houses (McLelland), Canadian Dance Associations, Independent Art Galleries


20 Social Programs The “Right” to Health Care- creation of a social safety net (British movement) The Welfare State- the state should take care of its citizens- Why did Britain’s example have more influence on us than the lack of a welfare state in the USA? Tommy Douglas and the CCF/NDP- Saskatchewan- 1959 Universal Health Care 1966 due to Tommy Douglas’s politics the Medical Care Act is passed- Universal Free Health Care

21 A New Generation, A New Canada 1940s/1950’s parents- happy with conformity- job, raising a family, car, white picket fence The children of the boomers- rejected the constraints of the consumer culture their parents had created This generation essentially refused to follow- wore causal clothing, grew their hair long, didn’t wear “feminine clothes made by men”, didn’t join sports or youth groups- went to music shows and festivals instead Argued against the governments ‘status quo’- Peace, not War




25 A New Generation, A New Canada Protest- art and music- Many teens learned guitar themselves First TV protest- Anti- Vietnam


27 Demand for Rights A leader who matched the mood of the times- Pierre Trudeau Bilingual, young, energetic, federalist Minister of Justice 1967, PM in 1968- as Minister of Justice- reformed society, TOTALLY Arrogant, cocky, “hip”, but also very intelligent, strong, and charismatic

28 Demand for Rights Ontario Human Rights Code Capital Punishment 1966- 1976 LGBT Rights- 1967 Omnibus Bill- “…there is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation” Divorce Birth Control 1961 Abortion Access 1969 Multiculturalism


30 Focus: Canadian identity PM Mackenzie King- 1940’s- suggested that Canada should have a flag of its own 1920’s- 1940’s Red Ensign Veterans wanted to keep the Union Jack or another symbol of Britain Many Canadians however felt it was time to have a more modern identifiable flag, one not just for British ancestors but for the future of Canada Quebec

31 Focus: Canadian identity 1963 PM Lester B. Pearson (who won a Nobel peace prize) “settle the flag debate within two years” All Canadians could sketch and send in their ideas- a committee was also set up 1964 Diefenbaker (former PM) attacked Pearson’s idea Diefenbaker demanded a flag that respected the past and Pearson demanded a flag that looked forward that all Canadians could identify with

32 Focus: Canadian identity 5900 designs were submitted from 1963- 1964- a 15 member all party was created to examine and determine a choice See three finalists Historian George Stanley designed the final choice- single maple leaf with red bars on both sides *King George V- red and White were authorized as Canada’s official colours




36 Focus: Canadian identity Stanley’s reasons: - The first Canadiens used the Maple Leaf as an emblem - Canadians had in the past up to the 60’s wore it as a symbol - The maple leaf was on the coat of arms of Canada, Quebec and Ontario - The maple leaf was not a symbol of any other country - It stands out, even from a distance - It avoids racial symbols which could be divisive

37 Activity See handout from “Creating Canada: A History 1914 to the Present” pg. 337

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