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Flow of Business/Procedures Beverlee B. Anderson.

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Presentation on theme: "Flow of Business/Procedures Beverlee B. Anderson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flow of Business/Procedures Beverlee B. Anderson

2 Creation of Agenda Requests to place items on the agenda are reviewed and decided upon by the Executive Committee Until adoption by AS, changes can be made Once adopted (voted upon) changes can be made but must use Robert’s Rules

3 Reports From Officers, Committees, Affiliated Organizations and others Informational purposes only Do not require Senate action

4 Consent Calendar A group of items presented together No discussion Items may be removed, but cannot be added Items voted on together (one vote)

5 First and Second Readings – First Reading – under New Business, but not official motion – [Between first and second readings input is encouraged and modifications are made] – Second Reading – under Old Business and is treated as official motion – (In unusual situations the Rules may be suspended and the motion may be voted on at time of first reading.)

6 Motions Most motions that come to the AS are from AS Committees or Executive Committee – these motions are treated as “moved and seconded” when presented.

7 How Does a Senator Make a Motion from the floor? A member stands or raises hand and addresses chair Chair acknowledges the individual Member states the motion Another member seconds the motion The chair repeats the motion Chair calls for discussion on the motion Chair puts the motion to a vote Chair announces the results of the vote.

8 Rules of Debate Informal conditions **** – Allows a Senator to speak multiple times on an item. However, Official Rules of Debate – Allow a Senator to speak only twice on a motion A Senator may move to use Official Rules – Must be seconded, can be debated, required 2/3 majority vote.

9 Amending Motions Once on the floor, a main motion may be amended The amendment must be seconded, discussed and voted upon before vote on main motion Minor changes in wording amendments may be made without a vote through the chair’s general consent rights.

10 Calling the Question Closes debate and forces an immediate vote on a motion Can be used with any motion that is on the floor Takes precedence over every debatable motion. Must be seconded, and carried by two-thirds vote.

11 Voting Typically by voice vote May use hand vote Ballot voting permitted, but discouraged – Ballots require motion and second, not debatable, majority vote – Ballots are signed

12 Committee Quorum and Voting Privileges Quorum is more than half of voting members Chair of committee is voting member Committees should set up their own practices on voting and role of chair at first meeting.

13 Purpose and Summary Parliamentary rules are designed to help organizations run efficient and effective meetings. When everyone knows and understands the rules, the playing field is leveled. Designed to allow discussion and airing of opinions on focused issues, without extraneous discussion. Anything which may change the rules or limit debate requires a two-thirds vote.

14 To a Successful Year

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