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External Data and DIP Oliver Holme 18 th January 2008.

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1 External Data and DIP Oliver Holme 18 th January 2008

2 External Data Sources 1. Cooling and Ventilation (CaV) 2. Magnet Control System (MCS) 3. LHC Access Control System (LACS) 4. CERN Safety Alarm Monitoring (CSAM) 5. Radiation Monitoring System (RAMSES) 6. LHC  Experiment Data Exchange

3 Background fwDIP component enables PVSS DIP communication Subscription & Publication Latest fwDIP 3.2.0 allows choice of DIP name server host DIP component can subscribe to all data High level components (e.g. fwMCS) make it easier Most TS data made available to DIP from TIM Technical Infrastructure Monitoring Requests for publications via MoDESTI TIM database can be queried to lookup descriptions

4 Cooling and Ventilation Two main sources of data Roughly divided into two categories Sub-detector cooling (read direct from PLC via MODBUS) Infrastructure cooling (read via DIP) fwCaV component currently supports MODBUS Connects to all data - provides alarms, FSM types, synoptic views All current SCY files are tested and work (>10 systems) Only 3 more SCY files expected – 2 ATLAS muons, 1 TOTEM Stable - one outstanding support issue from ALICE Will be fixed in fwCaV 3.2.0 release due very soon

5 Cooling and Ventilation DIP data published by TS/CV via TIM Found in two places in the DIP namespace dip/ts/TIM/EAU/ – data on water cooling dip/ts/TIM/THER/ – data on ventilation Only a small amount of data is available A few values for ATLAS & CMS Requests for new data should go via Wayne TIM does not contain information on interconnections Systems typically have primary plant on surface, secondary distribution then cooling loops An Excel file to transmit this information was agreed with TS/CV

6 Cooling and Ventilation

7 Current Status MODBUS based communication – stable Will test 3 final SCY files when delivered DIP based communication Not much data available Prototype prepared to handle TS/CV Excel file Will add a hierarchy of chosen areas in the DEN Component will create and subscribe all DPs

8 Magnet Control System Data available from DIP dip/ /MCS/ fwMCS connects to all data for a chosen experiment

9 Magnet Control System Current Status Component automatically subscribes to data Provides very simple panel to view data No synoptic view Component is stable Latest release fwMCS 3.1.0 Made more generic to handle all experiments data Provides an FSM type to model the magnets

10 LHC Access Control System Data published via DIP will be: Information on overall machine Access State Forbidden/Unsafe/Default/Movement/Safe/SafeVeto Information on each zone Access State Access Mode Max People in Zone Current People in Zone Number of Access Keys in use No plan to provide equipment states (doors, gates etc.) General – without key Test – with key Patrol – with key Restricted – control room & with key Closed – no access

11 LHC Access Control System Current Status Prototype to create and subscribe DPs is developed Simple panels designed to display the data Waiting for real publications to check functionality

12 CSAM All data available now via DIP dip/ts/CSAM/ Many hundreds of alarms per zone Fire alarm, Emergency stop, Gas alarm, Lift alarms, Emergency telephone alarms, Flooding alarms, Evacuation alarm PVSS can browse and discover all alarms for a zone TIM database to lookup meaning of each DIP item Each alarm provides status (normal/inhibited/test/maintenance) state (active/inactive)

13 CSAM dip/ts/CSAM/SW/L05/INOND-2537:INONDATION dip/ts/CSAM/SF/L02/SFDEI-11151:FEU

14 CSAM Current Status All data available in DIP Access to TIM database to lookup DIP tags Tools to browse DIP namespace (from fwMCS) Need to create and subscribe the DPs Setups PVSS alarms as required Need Synoptics?

15 RAMSES Will provide information on radiation alarms Current Status No data currently available via DIP Not clear which data will be available Discussions under way

16 LHC  Experiment Data DIP publications for LHC available now dip/acc/LHC/ Fully described in detail DIP items have clear names Easy to find all items No need to look up meaning of items

17 LHC  Experiment Data Experiments also need to publish data Data required from each experiment differs Information of quality of beam collisions Experiment Beam Interlocks Spectrometer Magnets Need to gather and distribute the DIP data No clear way to provide a standard component to make this data available fwDIP component can be used to help

18 Conclusions Magnet and Cooling PLC solutions available Outstanding issues: TIM publications – CSAM, RAMSES, LACS, CaV LHC  Experiment exchange Tools already exist to solve the problems Browsing DIP namespace TIM database lookup fwDIP component Synoptic views To be combined to produce the required solutions Need to ensure that required data is published

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