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2005 Uniform Needs Assessment Data University of South Florida Regional Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "2005 Uniform Needs Assessment Data University of South Florida Regional Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 2005 Uniform Needs Assessment Data University of South Florida Regional Partnership

2 ESE Personal Survey  2005: 620 ESE personnel surveys  2004 Estimated # of ESE personal in USF Region: 6,314

3 Estimated 2005 USF PDP Regional Response Rate

4 Current positions of Personnel

5 Primary certification of personnel Primary Certification # Personnel ESE K-12 136 (22%) Varying Exceptionalities 62 (10%) Specific Learning Disabilities 60 (10%) Emotionally Handicapped 43 (7%) Elementary Education 34 (5%) Secondary Subject Area 9 (1%)

6 How Personnel met requirements for Florida Certification

7 Experience of personnel  Range from 0 to 39 years  3 years was the mode response but only 6% of the total  111 ( 19%)Beginning personnel (3 years and less)  509 ( 81%)Veteran personnel (more than 3 years)

8 Additional certification/endorsement to meet requirements of NCLB  12 percent (73) need additional certification or endorsement  Primary areas include  Secondary Subject Area  ESE K-12  ESOL  Plan to meet requirements:  Course by course (41%)  Test only (29%)  Alternative route (19%)

9 Grade Levels taught or provide related services

10 Top 10 professional development needs of personnel surveyed  Designing and implementing behavior management programs/strategies for ESE students  Developing the social skills of ESE students with varying needs  Managing your time effectively: time management, scheduling, organizational skills, stress management  Understanding student learning styles/brain compatible instruction  Using technology to support instruction/provide services  Understanding and using assistive technology

11 Top 10 professional development needs of personnel surveyed (continued)  Collaborating/coordinating instructional and support programs and services for ESE students with other professional/community partners  Developing and implementing inclusive practices to ensure ESE students’ access to general education curriculum  Completing the Matrix of Services  Using data-based decision-making to guide instruction/services

12 Top 5 concerns about position  Time available to complete paperwork (72%)  Salary and benefits (71%)  Time for collaborative planning and instruction (64%)  Level of school/building support for special education/student support services (52%)  Teacher-student ratio (51%)

13 Retention of teachers and related services personnel Issue % Yes % No Stay in same job next year? 90%10% Stay in job in 5 years? 62%38% Stay in same school next year? 91%9% Stay in same school in 5 years? 62%38%

14 ESE Paraprofessional Survey  2005: 49 paraprofessional surveys  Estimate of paraprofessional in USF Region = 3,273

15 Paraprofessional : Grade Level assignment

16 Primary exceptionality of students Primary Exceptionality # Paraprofessionals Educable Mentally Handicapped 12 (24%) Specific Learning Disabilities 9 (18%) Autistic 3 (6%) Emotionally Handicapped 3 (6%) Language/Speech Impaired 2 (4%) Trainable Mentally Handicapped 2 (4%)

17 Major settings  75% of paraprofessionals work in one of the three settings:  Self Contained Classroom (37%)  General Education Classroom/Inclusion Classroom (24%)  ESE Resource Classroom (14%)

18 Level of Education

19 Experience of paraprofessionals  5.5 Average years of teaching  Range from 1 up to 21  1 yr was mode response, 31% of total  26 (53%)Beginning paraprofessionals (less than 3 yrs.)  23 (47%)Veteran paraprofessionals (more than 3 yrs.)

20 Top 10 professional development needs of surveyed paraprofessionals  Knowing what to do in medical emergencies  Understanding and using behavior management programs of ESE students  Developing the social skills of ESE students with varying needs  Using effective math instruction with ESE students  Using effective reading instruction with ESE students  Using accommodations and modifications for ESE students  Understanding Disabilities  Using Technology to support instruction  Understanding secondary transition programs/skills for future employment and independent living of students  Using inclusive practices to ensure ESE students access to general education curriculum

21 Preferred times and delivery methods for training  Preferred Times  Release Time During School Day (55%)  After School (27%)  Saturdays/Weekends with pay (20%)  Preferred delivery methods  On-Line Courses (31%)  Small Group Training/Single Day Workshop (29%)  Consultation/Mentoring (12%)

22 Retention of paras and career plans Continue working as a para next year? 42 (86%) Continue working as a para in 5 years? 21 (43%) Plan to become an ESE teacher? 21 (43%) Have you begun your coursework to become an ESE teacher? 8 (16%)

23 Top 5 concerns about position  Time available to plan with teachers and other para-educators/Tas (55%)  Being able to participate in the professional development opportunities you want (53%)  Administrative understanding and support of ESE (49%)  Number of students in you class or caseload (47%)  Appropriate materials and supplies for your students in good supply (45%)


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