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Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Environmental and Exploration Geophysics II tom.h.wilson Department of Geology.

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Environmental and Exploration Geophysics II tom.h.wilson Department of Geology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Environmental and Exploration Geophysics II tom.h.wilson Department of Geology and Geography West Virginia University Morgantown, WV Traps and Prospects

2 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Reflection seismology unveils the subsurface for our inspection and interpretation

3 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Essential ingredients needed to form hydrocarbon rich zones - source, reservoir, trap and seal

4 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography The explorationist at work

5 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Sediments shed from the uplifted Sierra Madre Mountains pile up in coastal areas of the Rio Grande Embayment. The pull of gravity on this large mass of sediments caused faults to develop that accommodated gradual sliding or creep of large sediment laden blocks out into the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Coast Play

6 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Deltas load the shelf with sediments and gravity takes over Sediments pile up in the embayment which slopes off into the Gulf of Mexico. Mass wasting of the shelf proceeded under the pull of gravity

7 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Faults rise to the surface in the landward direction as the sediments take a sled ride into the Gulf. These faults accommodate extension at a slow (creeping) but steady pace. Time is always available in excess for the geologist.

8 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography As extension faults develop, strata collapse back into the fault plane and additional sediments fill the resulting void and additional faults dipping toward and away from the direction of movement – the synthetic and antithetic faults, respectively.

9 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography From Seismic to reservoir image

10 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Seismic acquisition to subsurface imaging

11 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Note the roll-over into the glide zone, synthetic and antithetic faults

12 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

13 Complex traps and cap rock

14 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Pilot site Power plants Industrial sources High sand trend in the Frio Houston 20 miles Significance to US carbon program: Potential to upscale to impact US releases Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

15 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography 20 miles Pilot site Regional Geologic Setting – Cross Section Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

16 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Site Houston 50-year-old oil field in the Yegua and Frio Formations Operator is a small independent Flank of a salt dome, steep dips, fault bounded compartments Site Location Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

17 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Site Geologic Setting Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

18 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Injection interval: 24-m-thick, mineralogically complex Oligocene reworked fluvial sandstone, porosity 24%, Permeability 50 -300 md Seals  numerous thick shales, small fault block Depth 1,500 m Brine-rock system, no hydrocarbons 150 bar Injection interval Oil production Frio Brine Pilot Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

19 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Injector Monitor Model Area: 54 wells 19 wells with logs Model Area Production Base Map Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

20 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Well # 4 Well # 3 Structural Cross Section Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

21 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Representative NE-SW Line Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

22 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

23 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography A quick look at the seismic around a salt dome

24 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography MFS-40 MFS-43 MFS-434 MFS-44 MFS-444 MFS-45 MFS-46 MFS-47 MFS-48 Not shown: Mfs-485, 49, 50 “A” Sand “B” Sand “C” Sand Well #3 Upper Frio Anahuac Monitoring Injection Stratigraphy Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

25 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Porosity Fault planes A sand B sand C sand Monitoring well Injection well Reservoir Model Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

26 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Monitoring well Injection well Typical Distribution of Porosity in “C” Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

27 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Earthquake Escape to groundwater, surface water, or air via long flowpath underground injection Escape of CO 2 or brine to groundwater, surface water or air through flaws in the seal Failure of well cement or casing resulting in leakage Unexpected Results of Injection Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

28 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography LONG-TERM FATE OF INJECTED CO 2 Havorka, 2004, Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

29 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Apparent Velocity /Inverse Distance to Power The low in the southeast is anomalous. Bring up crossline 140 and have a look. The travel time to the interpreted C38 reflection is much higher than that to the well pick. The denominator is large and we have a small average velocity

30 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Time surface approach In this case the travel time to the picked horizon is larger than the travel time to the location of the formation top. Since velocity usually increases with depth and travel time we get a higher velocity

31 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography This depth converted map was constructed from the using the apparent velocity approach

32 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Isochron Create time grid for each horizon & include your polygon set (i.e. B46Time and C38Time grids) Convert them to depth using your favorite velocity models Associate polygon sets with your grids Tools > Calculators > Math on two maps fine tune parameters and select one or the other polygon set

33 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography Does it make sense?

34 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

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