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Decimal Review. Adding decimals 8.12 + 14 + 32.9 Rules 8.12 14 + 32.9 8.12 14 +32.9 1. Line up the decimal points 2. Make whole numbers look like decimals.

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Presentation on theme: "Decimal Review. Adding decimals 8.12 + 14 + 32.9 Rules 8.12 14 + 32.9 8.12 14 +32.9 1. Line up the decimal points 2. Make whole numbers look like decimals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decimal Review

2 Adding decimals 8.12 + 14 + 32.9 Rules 8.12 14 + 32.9 8.12 14 +32.9 1. Line up the decimal points 2. Make whole numbers look like decimals by placing a decimal point at the end and adding zeros as needed.00 3. Fill in any empty spaces with zeros 0 4. Add 55.02

3 Subtracting decimals 84 – 16.47 Rules 16.47 - 84 84 - 16.47 1. Line up the decimal points 2. Make whole numbers look like decimals by placing a decimal point at the end and adding zeros as needed.00 3. Fill in any empty spaces with zeros 4. Subtract 67.53

4 Multiplying decimals (27)(8.29) Rules 27.00 X 8.29 8.29 X 27 1. DO NOT line up the decimal points 2. Place the longest looking digit on the top 5803 3. Multiply 4. Count your decimal point into your answer Line up numbers 16580 22383

5 Dividing decimals 81.2 ÷ 0.4 Rules 1. Divisor dividend The dividend is always divided by the divisor 2. You must make the divisor a whole number if it is a decimal 3. If you had to move the decimal on the divisor, then you must move the decimal on the dividend as well 4. Divide Dividend divisor 0.481.2 2 -8 1 0 -0 12 3 -12 5. Bring your decimal up into your answer 0

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