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Presentation subhead CM223: FINAL SEMINAR! Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011.

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1 Presentation subhead CM223: FINAL SEMINAR! Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011

2 I’m Going to Miss You Brave People! September 03-05, 2011 = Labor Day Weekend & Official Holiday! What to expect: I will not be online I do not expect you to be either You will have access to all online resources Live Writing Center Services and KU offices will be closed for the holiday Important Things to Know: Check with your professors about your Monday seminars. Have a safe holiday!

3 Reminders, advice, proofreading tips. Questions about Unit 7 project feedback  Final Project overview  Revising is to “RE-vision”  APA Concerns; the Reference page  Prof Ann’s pet peeves; punctuation review. UNIT 9: AGENDA

4 The Final: A Persuasion Essay The final essay will be at least five pages long (double-spaced, 12 pt.). The final essay will have a significant revision and development compared to the first draft. C grade on the draft if both are the same. Please be sure to include an introduction and conclusion. –Make certain that your introduction includes your thesis statement. Include a separate title page and references page. –The title page and references page are in addition to, not included in, the five required pages. Use our models on Doc Sharing! Use at least four outside sources. –These sources must be cited (to avoid plagiarism) according to APA citation guidelines. Paraphrased info and quotations need citation IN your essay. –Source use includes using quotation marks for exact wording, providing in- text citations, and providing a complete reference page. AGAIN, CLASS: If you turn in the draft and final in at the same time, the draft will only receive a C level of points due to failure to meet the needs of the process of the assignments.

5 Quick Tips on Future College and General Writing Issues: From this to this, and lots more in between! Read more for pleasure. Stay active in any course. When in doubt, read the syllabus. When in doubt, ask the professor. When in doubt, email your advisor. Check into Kaplan U’s ongoing student services, contests, Dell discounts, KU library services, the Writing Center. You are never “the only one” thinking or experiencing anything.

6 Quick Tips: Survival as a Student Be a survivor, not a victim! You are making more progress that you think. Allow 5+ days for the KUWC paper reviewing service. Last minute tech emergencies: –Dropbox not working? Email a project to the prof: –Tech support may be phoned, IM’ed, & emailed

7 Transition Words and Phrases: *After, although, as, because, before, if, provided that, since, so that, unless, until, whether, while... *Note: any “just the facts, ma’am” report may lack transitions, graceful phrasing (subordinate clauses), and even complete sentences.

8 Revision Strategies and Proofreading Tips: Need more “beef”? Add more sources Need more “beef”? Add more of your own interpretation and comments. Read aloud (to the mirror, the cat, a baby, an adult, a potted plant). Omit wordiness, watch out for “stringy” sentences. Set the work aside for awhile (fresh eyes). Use “Print Preview” on Word to view the doc. Use Spellcheck, but watch those “sound-alike” words! (whether/weather, you’re/your). Let someone else read it.

9 Plagiarism & Turnitin & You: We must cite the source in ( ) = “in-text” or “internal” citation. Just listing the sources on your References page is not enough. We must use “ “ for exact source text, even if the quoted text is half a sentence. Finals turned in a bit early will be allowed to fix any Turnitin matches, but finals that are turned in on the due date will not have that “luxury.” Any legitimate Turnitin match of 25% or higher will receive a zero AND be reported to KU as your “first strike.”

10 The APA References Page Double-space. Indent the second and third lines. Alphabetize by last name. If there is no author, alphabetize by the first key word of the title. (Do not count “a, an, the”). Use italics for large sources: web sites, books, magazines, newspapers, TV shows, movies. Use quotation marks for articles only in the essay, but not on the References pages.

11 Child Safety 7 References Helfer, M. E., Keme, R. S., & Drugman, R. D. (1997). The battered child. (5th ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. City of Alma (2011). Family support services. City of Alma Home Site. Retrieved 2 April 2011 from Whitmeyer, J. M. (2000). Power through appointment Social Science Research, 29, 535-555. Retrieved from Academic Search Premiere.

12 Short Review: Punctuation A semicolon is a full stop, similar to a period: “Good morning to you all; Officer Randolf will show you around the precinct.” “This building was not always a police precinct; up until 1956 it was a dairy.”

13 Short Review: Spelling “I before E except after C, UNLESS it says “A” as in “neighbor” and “weigh.” Practice the most often- used homophones: they’re/their/there except/accept weather/whether to/too/two then/than Save my practice sheet or make flashcards!

14 The Apostrophe Avoid most contractions in college writing. “Isn’t, won’t, I’m, I’ll, can’t” are fine. Absolutely avoid “slang contractions” such as “could’ve, should’ve.” “It’s” only means “it is.” “Its” is a possessive pronoun like “his and hers.” To show possession with plurals, pluralize the noun first; then add the apostrophe: One officer’s gun Two officers’ guns

15 One more reminder about our extended due date: Due date of the final essay (Unit 9 Project): as late as Friday, Sept. 9th at 11:59 pm, Eastern Time. Kaplan U. uses Eastern Time. The Dropbox, however, shows Mountain Time. Know what time it is where you live and on the East Coast. “Undone” (score 0 ) work from Units 1--9: also no later than Sept. 9th. Emailing me what you did helps me; thanks. There are no exceptions at all; the deadline is firm. Tuesday of Unit 10 is too late.

16 Thank You, and Good Luck! Never quit reading and learning. Learning is a lifelong journey! Remember: The World NEEDS YOU!

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