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Presentation on theme: " Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum HEALTH and DM UPDATE Vietnam Red Cross Society Bangkok, 16 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum HEALTH and DM UPDATE Vietnam Red Cross Society Bangkok, 16 th September, 2014.

2 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum VNRC ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE National Headquarter Disaster Management Department 15 Project Management Boards, 10 staffs DM /Social Work Unit Health care Unit Health Care Department 5 Project Management Boards, 10 staffs RC province RC Fist Aid Training & Support Center

3 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Major Achievement against Road map and Resilience House  Established VNRC steering committee for disaster prevention and control (with 10 members, 1 health officer inside)  Consolidated NDRT with 34 members (2 health officers inside)  Established a framework to guide the direction of the disaster response through several resolution/regulations approved by VNRC leadership  “Enhancing effectiveness in disaster prevention and control of VNRC in new situation”  “The organisation and operation of disaster response team” (for 4 levels)  “Receiving, managing and distributing relief goods”  “The organisation and operation of disaster response centres”  The organisation and operation of First Aid stations and posts”  The organisation and operation of mobile health checks”  Issued CBDRM framework and organised launching workshops for 63 provinces (All documents have a lot heath activities inside!!)

4 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Major Achievement against Road map and Resilience House  2014 Pre - disaster meeting with VNRC DM and some health staff, PNS and government agency  Contingency Planning trainings for 35 provinces resulted in draft Contingency Plan which currently being reviewed and will be approved by VNRC leadership - This Contingency Plan involved 1 health officer participating and many health activities  Contingency Plan for Epidemic Control on selected diseases will be completed end of 2014  VNRC DM and Health representative attended the Masters Training on climate change and developed a plan for how this can be further integrated within current programming  Bilateral CBHFA ECHO project - 2 nd year activities

5 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum New Initiative and new partners of VNRC  One Direction Approach - for DM (Health Department are looking to adapt for a specific project area in CBDRM frame work)  Wutip 2013: the One Direction Approach used for first time with Partners supporting the common POA. Was also the first time that the PDRTs (with some members from Heath Unit) had been deployed for response  Conditional cash grants for livelihoods  DIPECHO 9 Project (working with MARD, local Gov. and some related agency):  Approval by the MOH - of the First Aid circular “Regulating the use of the permit for Red Cross first aid points and stations and providing first aid training”  Approval by the MOH – Humanitarian Health Check  Mobile health checks aiming to reach 1 million people (VNRC signed with MOH, MOD, Vietnam Association of Young Doctors)  Experimental use of TERA (Trilogy Emergency Response Application)  Signed 20 MOUs with some ministries/ organizations / mass medias

6 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Challenges to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map  Internal:  Not yet have mechanism and rules for the coordination  A large number of VNRC staff but limited expertise in some areas - difficult for integrated activities  External:  Potentially donors are interested in supporting a thematic area e.g. WatSan, HIV/AIDS…  Project with small funding, not enough for integrated activities  No point models from the PNs to learn

7 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Opportunities to operationalize Resilience approach/ implementing road map  First Aid opportunity to standardize First Aid across all VNRC departments/units  Urban DRR - discussion on including road safety as well as there is an opportunity to include epidemic control within these areas  VCA is being strengthened next year with increased focus on gender and climate change. Next year the Health Department would like to strengthen the assessment on health. The ultimate aim would be a multi-sectoral assessment  A needs assessment template (combine needs for heath) developed for trialing at recent PDRT refresher training

8 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum VNRC engagement to strengthen the coordination and cooperation at National level Internal  Technical Working DM working group  Bi monthly coordination meeting with VNRC departments, PNS and IFRC  One Direction Approach meetings (five meetings leading up to the Partnership meeting)  Partnership meeting - August 2014 External  DMC working group meeting  CBDRM working group meeting  Member of the national committees of blood donation, road safety, epidemic control, flood and storm control…

9 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum Specific expectations from IFRC in 2015  Health - Epidemic Control - Peer to Peer support for facilitator Epidemic Control Training  Financial support for club 25 project – VNRBD for disaster  Support to carry out new direction of VNRC on DM (quick response, shelter, livelihood to develop realistic projects)  NDRT Refresher Training  Technical Support in updating the First Aid manual  Continue support for the development of One direction approach in health and DM

10 Saving lives, changing minds. Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum For further information Please contact: Dr. Hung Tran Quoc Head of Disaster Management Dept. Dr. Tam Dao Thi Thanh Head of Health Dept. 10

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