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PLAN-IT Blake, Clint, Erik, Jay, Logan, Marisa. 2 Project Idea  The group trip planning web app  Uses Facebook Connect  Target audience is twenty-somethings.

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Presentation on theme: "PLAN-IT Blake, Clint, Erik, Jay, Logan, Marisa. 2 Project Idea  The group trip planning web app  Uses Facebook Connect  Target audience is twenty-somethings."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLAN-IT Blake, Clint, Erik, Jay, Logan, Marisa

2 2 Project Idea  The group trip planning web app  Uses Facebook Connect  Target audience is twenty-somethings traveling with groups of friends who need a tool to plan their trip

3 3 Major Features  Creating and sharing itineraries  Browsing and filtering shared itineraries  Cost sharing during a trip  Budget planning for trips  Screencast and FAQ page  Possible Minor Feature:  Images from Flickr of relevant locations

4 4 Changes Since Proposal  Browse & Filter instead of Search  Separate Concepts Introduced:  Trip Budget  Cost Sharing

5 5 Team Specifics  Roles:  Logan – Project Manager  Three Groups of Two Distributed based on needed features  Coding Strategy:  Code review with a partner  Three group circle for large scale integration  If Disaster Strikes:  Reallocate groups based on work required  Simplify core features

6 6 Languages  Ruby on Rails  PostgreSQL  XHTML with Haml / CSS with Sass  jQuery, jQuery UI  Facebook Connect API

7 7 High Level Design

8 8 Quick Mockup

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