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Judah Israel They chose to ignore God and His Word. That was sin.

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2 Judah Israel


4 They chose to ignore God and His Word. That was sin.

5 Ecclesiastes 7:20 Sometimes you and I choose to sin – to ignore God.

6 When you believe your way is better and you ignore God, it is sin.

7 Amon 2 Kings 21:19-20

8 Josiah loved and obeyed God

9 Hilkiah 2 Kings 22:8

10 Book of the Law First 5 books of the Bible

11 We have found the Book of the Law!

12 God wanted King Josiah and His people to know about Him. Reading God’s Word helped him to know what God wanted to change in his life.

13 If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, remember....




17 For the first time the people were hearing the truth about who God is and how they needed to live their lives.


19 Keep learning more and more about who God is and the best way to live!



22 Hearing and obeying God’s Word had changed their lives!

23 If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, remember....

24 John 20:31 When you are wiling to turn from your own sinful ways and trust Jesus alone to save you, you will have a friendship with God that starts now and will last forever.


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